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Thank you guys due to less cold in our state i am out of danger.

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Its our pleasure Sasi and hope you will sort your problem of asthma soon...
Stay fit and healthy.... :)
Sasikanth, you are based in hyderabad ? Winters are not really harsh there na?
These are the ending days of winter vidhi so there is no much winter in hyderabad but at night times it is bit cold

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes vidhi due to the thane cyclone climate was changed in our city now there is less cold.

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Yes but compared to other parts of country Hyderabad experiences very less cold. And cyclone did affect very badly.
Sasi asthma is sometimes life threatening. So don't stop your medications. always be under control.
sasikanth you should maintain your health by having hot things and you should be exposed to cold weather and wind. You should always carry asthma inhaler with you which is filled with asthma medicine.Daily try to do meditation for atleast 15 minutes this will heal your asthma and one more thing , government used to supply asthma medicine by keeping the medicine in fishes and they used to make the asthma paitents swallow them. I saw many times in durdarshan tv. But I don't know whether this is done now also. Just enquiry and try it. My suggestion is , you better consult doctor and follow his instructions and have regular check up.

Even I had problem like asthma but it is not serious as asthma. whenever winter season comes I catch cold and cough.I suffer alot. so for that I take precautions by stop having ICe water and sugar content Items. Then I have hot things only even drinking water also I boil and have.
As winter will be for 2 or 3 months. Instead of suffering , taking precautions is the best thing. After winter I get alright as it is. then I can have whatever I like. No problem

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sarala it is asthma. You have mentioned it as asthama. Can you change it Sarala.
But its good suggestion.
Arun kumar I have edited the mistake which you have pointed out. So are you happy :)

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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