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It is important to consult a well trained medical practitioner or a doctor whose medicine and advice will surely relieve you from such problem...!
the people who are sufering from astma should take alot of care on the diwali festival

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

But Sasi how are you now? Hope you are well now.
Yes,in astha you need to take much care.Contact to doctor,to get fast relief. Take care.

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Now i am feeling well but some times it attacks me.Now i am doing little excercises so that i had some relief.

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Thanks to all members for the suggestions.I am feeling happy for this. :whistle:

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When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Thank you maverick for your suggestion i must buy this and try once.

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Try to be away from cold atmosphere. always carry astma inhaler with you.Never become excited for anything. Take everything easily.

If possible try have fish medicine sometime government distributes. They keep the medicine in the fish and make you swallow it.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Thank you sarala for your suggestions.

But this is winter season i am suffering more now.

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