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consultig a doctor would be best remedy in such cases . i think staying away from cold and use of garlic and onions in everyday meals would help you.
Thank you said by: Sasikanth
From my personal view home and herbal remedies are best way to sort any problem or disease.. Post explain and share good links as well as suggestion for curing Asthma problem by using home remedies. I really feel glad to join this forum. Hope my queries will sort here and i enjoyed the stay here...
Ya i know about this one I will try this one as i am going to my native place i will bring this one.

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Inhaler should always be with you. Asthma attack can happen at any time. Take Care.

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I had inhaler's but i dont use them because i don't want to go that stage.

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You must consult a doctor sasi..Asthama can be easily controlled with proper the movie 'goal 1'...the guy has asthma and still plays football with the help of proper medication.
First thing you should not expose to the cool wind. this is the main and should not be more excited for anything and then inhaler should be with you that to inhaler filled with the medicine.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sasi, Its always better to consult a doctor. But if you require a home delivery keep yourself away from cold and allergy. Have an inhaler with you. It work wonders.
Sasi, as this is a winter season i know how bad it is for you as my mother is also affected by astma. my mother is consulting doctor and she's a regular user of inhaler. i think gulshan ji's post is good and im going to suggest the tips given by gulshan ji. thanks for all the members giving suggestions.

Sasi.. Proper consultant of doctor is must for you.. With proper perception you will cure your Asthma problem... From my view prefer inhaler least and go for other ways to tackle your problem...
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