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thanks kil for sharing your hidder potiential to make gaster point it is really amazing.
Thanks kail for the reply, yes it is difficult to make 1000 points in a day, even I tried many time to be on the top but failed

Yes Fathima, It`s a very tough task i spend around 8 to 10 hours a day to reach there.. But my only aim to reach first place for august month. Thats why i reached there..
thanks for the sharing information Mr kail. you done super!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Kail for your suggestion.But spending 8-10 hours is very hard I think so.
It is impossible for me as i can not work for so many hours. However, i think kail has give a nice tips.
Nice to know the secrete of your making points kail. But you gave a good idea of making points

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

now you all ask where you are kail after making so many point you got tired and stop making a single point.
"If there is a will there is a way" and "nothing is impossible"

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now you all ask where you are kail after making so many point you got tired and stop making a single point.

I am not tired but due to my personal commitment i can`t spend more time, If i get i will be here as much as possible....
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