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Experiment Failed. Post Deleted. Sorry folks and yea, you all are free to report me for spam....take away my 5 points...;)
Let him disclose the way he achieved it. But it looks like a fantastic figure!
Kail just reminds me of my earlier days in boddunan when points seemed to be floating all around and within hours one can be owner of good volume of points here.... :)
i didn't get what you said?????/
yeah right in one day he earns 1000 points and in the next day it reaches to 3000 amazinggggggggg.
I spend more than 4 hours on boddunan daily and it's difficult to make even 250 points daily, how does he do it. It's really amazing

Its really amazing. But where is Kail who can answerit and suggest us to earn more points.
Only kail can answer to our questions and give tips on how to make more points

This is really amazing and wonder that earning 3000 points in a days. Let us wait kail to answer to this.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

It can be easily done...1000 points in a day is just so easy.
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