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yes,its true and Iam also eager to know it.It would be nice if kail answers to it.
i didn't get the exact answer yet.
But where is Kail I think he only can answer it to get more points at a time.
guys i think he is still busy earning points...but not from forums
i yhink he will rrad the article very quick that is why he earn that.
I think Kail can answer better way because he know what he does. I mostly work on forum .

Santosh Kumar Singh


He may have his own way which he might not be wishing to reveal.Any how he had well idea how to utilise the site.

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It can be easily done...1000 points in a day is just so easy.

Arun jain, can you give us tips how to make 1000 points in a day

Even thousands point per day is not easy.Arun give some suggestion to improve.
Sorry Friends for my delayed reply.. i was busy with my work for past 5 days.. here i disclose my way of making points for the previous month... The first two weeks of Aug i just focused on forum only..then i asked myself why don`t i get a fist place point in this month.. But my big competitor was Pradeep he also made Around 8k points thats why i made 10k.. Here my way of making points started with minimum of 500 article reading and participating in quiz section and forum side..
But making 1000 points in a day is really very difficult job you have to spend around 8 to 10 hours a day..

I think this the month for Ajay he already made 5k points in this 5 days....
Best of luck friends...
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