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I would rather try to join some swimming classes as i have heard that it is the best if some one wants to burn excess fats of the body. :)
Swimming is also better exercise to entire body to remove excess fat in our body.

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Swimming is also better exercise to entire body to remove excess fat in our body.

Do you know swimming? :blink:

Do you do it or do cycling? :)
yes both swimming and cycling burn calories but after some age both are not advised due to tension involved in doing it..So walking is best for any ages irrespective of gender. :)
yes both swimming and cycling burn calories but after some age both are not advised due to tension involved in doing it..So walking is best for any ages irrespective of gender. :)

Yes at certain age walking is the best way to get rid of extra fat even doctors too advise them for it. Yoga also is one of the method to make body active though it may not be much helpful to shed away fat. :)
Actuall in anywat we should do some exercise daily to keep ourselves fit.
Cycling is good for health.This is a good exercise.It can help you lose weight.

Be positive
After some age extensive stress on knees and muscles of legs is not advisable. All these excercises that is cycling, running and swimming though burn lot of calories they create stress on these parts of body. So its good way to avoid them to some extent.One of my dad's uncle died due to extensive cycling, he got heart attack. :(
Cycling is an activity that involves the whole body. Any regular exercise can reduce stress and depression and improve well being and self esteem. Cycling outdoors is also a good way to be one with nature and to feel the breath of the earth.
energetic and healthy

weight loss

playful exercise :) :) :)
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