What are the heath and other benefits of riding a bicycle?
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It`s a type of aerobic exercise for steady increase of oxygen into the blood stream..We can save lots of money from petrol..
by cycling blood flow remains normal and breathing system is also enhanced .
By cycling we can have body fitness, we can increase a little height and fate which is inside our body will melt.So there will be no obesity and fat problems

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Really very helpful facts about the benefits of cycling is presented by members and I have taken it as a method of workout in the morning by cycling for at least for 15 minutes daily in the morning...
Really very helpful facts about the benefits of cycling is presented by members and I have taken it as a method of workout in the morning by cycling for at least for 15 minutes daily in the morning...

Sounds good keep it up Ajay....
Riding a bycycle has a lot of health benefits.I prefer is because It is a pollution free vehicle.

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Body gets oxygen with heavy breath and muscleus get tonned up.
Also being not using any fuel your pocket will be always safe!

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cycling is type of an exercise.it increases the flow of blood and helps in maintaining the health also.
Cycling is a good exercise.It keeps your health fit and save petrol.Above all it decreases pollution.

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