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We should have some marketing strategies like web banners etc and the moderators and members put some banners on college sites and educational information site so that the membership increase. Now a days web banners are the best to advertise on the net to have some traffic instead of writing pages of blogs that attracts less people. The initial 25K traffic can be achievable if we start marketing from now other wise we will reach below 15K or even below 10K.
Let us starting working for this
Yes --- I was also in the process. We recently had an idea of creating blogs with boddunan having in backlink.... Have a look at this blog....

Thanks 'n' Regards,
where is it man ? I could find it
I think growth in the membership figure alone won't help us that much.At the moment not even 1% of the existing members is active that's a big reason for worry.
Q1: What will be the count by the end of this month?

Q2: What was the maximum number of users online count you saw, when you logged in Boddunan?

Earn Money Online - Minimum Rs. 2000 from Boddunan
well i saw 21 online members...

I agree with chinmoy that it is less activity now-a-days..
I think the question and answers section can increase traffic if implemented correctly other than forum discussions. If members are interested i can share my view.
Now it's a hard fact that more and more members do not automatically translate to improvement in the rank.Some weeks back when there were fewer registrations,more activities led to boddunan's rank reaching near 10,000 and now new registration has picked up but the rank is somewhere near 20000!We need quality that is the bottomline!
Hi Rajani K we are expecting for your suggestion..

"I saw 38 members online - Maximum which I saw"

Earn Money Online - Minimum Rs. 2000 from Boddunan
I saw maximum 39 members online at a time . I think till the end of year it will reach to 500. I hope so.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Just now i saw 10

Well i want to suggest this before. I think Question&answers section should be given importance. As many people look for some content for their question. Have you observed the traffic of yahoo answers and other similar sites...?

For some 10 answers, answered by the member a cash credit should be awarded. The cash credit can be minimum depends on quality and rating giving by reader...Similarly for questions also such facilty should be there so that there will be balance.

I know this is not a difficult task but many not be accepted by the moderator at this time...due to lack of manpower...
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