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RSS, BJP, Hindu Parishad are all birds of the same feather however vociferously they deny the obvious reality. Recently, hi-tech sadhus and yoga gurus have made it public that they are part of the same saffron brigade.
They have never denied, they openly participate in RSS get together with half pant and a stick, even Vajpayee attended while PM, it is not even an open secret, the only difference between RSS and BJP is that, even a non RSS member can be a member of BJP, such as Yaswant Sihna, and Yaswant Singh.

I know this. But they are probably less recognized in the saffron outfit. This is like defence civilian and para military forces. The army persons in uniform consider themnselves as superior to defence civilians and para militrary. Same may be status of non RSS men in BJP. :laugh: :laugh:

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: mohan manohar
Now the electioneering of BJP is being conducted by Rastriya Syam Sewak Sangh. Now let us not say that RSS is just a cultural organization and BJP is independent political party and not part of saffron brigade.
One months back, before these elections, it was announced by RSS that, as political parties are criticizing, RSS directly, their cadres will openly, involve in campaigning, it is an open secret, as RSS and BJP are same, and RSS is a cultural organization, and BJP leaders have great respect for their mother organization.

RSS only does not particpate in elections but is fully involved in politics and BJP is part of their circle. I don't know what cultural activities this body does.
Schools, helping victims during natural disasters, guard the streets and make it safe even in nights for ladies, at BJP or NDA ruled states, giving free foods, and other conveniences to pilgrims during religious journeys, giving free books and dresses, old age homes, trying to unite all Hindu people, Decolonization of Dadra, Nagar Haveli and Goa RSS has proved to be the major force, movement against emergency, large scale participation with Bhave, to make success of land movement, advocated dalits and other backward classes as temple priests, stopping forced conversions. During father of nation's visit to RSS camp in 1934 he was surprised to see no untouchability among Hindus there, and from there he began his movement against untouchability. Ambedkar in 1939 saw swyayma sevakas are moving and eating together while enquiring abt. casts, all these spell on these two leaders to prompt for reforms.

RSS was prominent in 1971, 1999 and 2013 Odisha cyclone and 1977 Andhra cyclones. RSS works heavily in 2001 Gujrat earthquakes. Seva Vharati its affiliate helps victims during 2004 Indian Ocean earthquakes, even their worst critics acknowledged their work, there are many social works they are doing cannot be written here as all these can be constructed as an article, there are many more social activities, one can find from internet.

All organizations do some social work otherwise they will have no root. Even the wicked rapists 'religious saints' indulge in social work. Even the 'spiritual' Christian organizations have to do some social educational, health services activities in order to remain relevant. This does not alter the basic character. Even the biggest cheat and tax evaders have 'charitable activities' to his credit Even dacoits are known for 'social work'.

RSS is no doubt credited with some social work. But this cannot coneal the fascist and communal face of the organization. Then some fact about 'social work'. My colleague is RSS worker and is active in 'Matri Chhhaya'- an RSS outfit. This outfit looks after deserted infants and arranges their adoption in 'Hindu families'. On the face of it, this is very noble work. But what is the purpose? My colleague says that if his outfit did not work, the child would be served by 'Missionaries of charity' and become 'Christian. May be some Muslim may adopt. This is real purpose- to avoid adoption of helpless deserted child by non Hindu. There is thus communal bias even in welfare and social work.

In India and the world over Islam is the fastest growing Religion and also the most violent one ! Christianity is a mere 2% of the population in India and from what I have seen, they are a peace loving religion who dont retaliate in a violent manner even when there is provocation unlike the muslims do ! So a few conversions here and there doesnt really matter! It is afterall the individuals choice what religion or faith he wants to identify with...As long as they remain patriotic these things have little relevance ! It is only the politicians who manipulate people by bringing up and raking these issues ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

One aspect of BJP or RSS is that, still there are some part of Individual population still like it and many a times, BJP comes to power, even states like Goa and Karnataka where no one could ever imagined of BJP coming to power, they have achieved this, and in AP during Vajpayee times, they have won 8 MP seats, and they are trying to expand their base through the issues of development and security, in every democracy, there are parties backed by majority religions, like in US, Republicans are predominantly Catholics supporters, and so as in France, UK and Germany, then what is wrong if so called Hindu nationalist party BJP is here even when India is as secular as US< UK, France, and Germany. About Fascism, one thing is clear for me, if a govt. delivers what it promises, and food, security and other issues are corrected then the party and the leaders bio data nothing is important for me.

One startling fact about RSS is that its top leadership ever since it came into being ,has never been caught in any criminal act of corruption unlike many leaders of other political parties including BJP!! Its leaders are known to lead a spartan life!!!
One startling fact about RSS is that its top leadership ever since it came into being ,has never been caught in any criminal act of corruption unlike many leaders of other political parties including BJP!! Its leaders are known to lead a spartan life!!!

The BJP leaders guilty of corruption also belong to RSS. RSS does nor directly particpate in poliics but does so through the fron organization BJP, that has a corruption record. Corruption of BJP is indeed corruption of RSS.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

One startling fact about RSS is that its top leadership ever since it came into being ,has never been caught in any criminal act of corruption unlike many leaders of other political parties including BJP!! Its leaders are known to lead a spartan life!!!

The BJP leaders guilty of corruption also belong to RSS. RSS does nor directly particpate in poliics but does so through the fron organization BJP, that has a corruption record. Corruption of BJP is indeed corruption of RSS.

I have not differentiated BJP from other political parties. Top RSS leaders never embroiled themselves in corrupts acts. It is an achievement when Asharam and even Shankaracharya figure in the news!!
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
One startling fact about RSS is that its top leadership ever since it came into being ,has never been caught in any criminal act of corruption unlike many leaders of other political parties including BJP!! Its leaders are known to lead a spartan life!!!

The BJP leaders guilty of corruption also belong to RSS. RSS does nor directly particpate in poliics but does so through the fron organization BJP, that has a corruption record. Corruption of BJP is indeed corruption of RSS.

I have not differentiated BJP from other political parties. Top RSS leaders never embroiled themselves in corrupts acts. It is an achievement when Asharam and even Shankaracharya figure in the news!!
Shankara charya is exonerated and all charges are false, so I do not think corruption with Shankaracharya come out,

One startling fact about RSS is that its top leadership ever since it came into being ,has never been caught in any criminal act of corruption unlike many leaders of other political parties including BJP!! Its leaders are known to lead a spartan life!!!

The BJP leaders guilty of corruption also belong to RSS. RSS does nor directly particpate in poliics but does so through the fron organization BJP, that has a corruption record. Corruption of BJP is indeed corruption of RSS.

I have not differentiated BJP from other political parties. Top RSS leaders never embroiled themselves in corrupts acts. It is an achievement when Asharam and even Shankaracharya figure in the news!!
Shankara charya is exonerated and all charges are false, so I do not think corruption with Shankaracharya come out,

The matter is still subject to appeal in higher courts so you need not form any conclusive view about his complicity!!!
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