Live Happily or Live Healthier. Which one sounds better?

If you are to choose one, which one will you give first preference?


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If we are healthy, we can lead a very happy life. The life of unhealthy people are miserable and they do not get happiness in their life. If people are not healthy, they easily fall in some diseases and so their life will be painful and miserable. They fail to lead a happy life. Like our physical health, mental health is also very important. Those who are mentally and physically healthy always lead a happy life. So we need happiness and good health in our entire life.



This question has really made me think more about it. I believe living healthier would be better to say that living happily because if we are healthy we will live happily. 



When you are healthy then you will be happy also. All problems will be nothing if you healty



Happy life is my first choice. Being happy automatically leads to a Healthy life. Happiness opens flood gates to Health. Because Happiness makes you an optimist. Even if you aspire for a Healthy life, in my view Happiness is the starting point for everything including healthy life. The most successful people are Happy first. Without being Happy first everything looks gloomy.

Hence I conclude that One should be happy first.


Sandhya Rani nice..... - Sandhya Rani - 9 years ago
rambabu Thank you Sandhya. Your question itself is thought provoking. It makes one to think. - rambabu - 9 years ago


Happiness is the ultimate goal of human life. My preference is to be happy. And naturally, to be happy, one should be healthy too. A healthy life without happiness is of no use. Both are interdependent and cannot be isolated from each other.



Aren't the two dependent upon each other? Until and unless one is healthy, s/he cannot be happy as it's said that health is wealth. In the same way a healthy life will be devastated if one undergoes sorry state one after the another. So, happiness helps to carry on healthy life. Thus, I would say I want to be healthy hence happy and vice versa.



In my views, Physical and mental health is very important for happy life. 

Our Good health keeps our mind strong.



Living happily is the key and the ones living happily have more chances to live a healthy life.



Health and Happiness go together..If you are healthy you are happy , so also one is happy only when one is healthy...So, health is more important since without health nothing brings you happiness.



Being healthy person means you have a better chance to be happy. A sick person with a lot of money is least likely to be happy than a healthy person with less money. So being healthy is what I would personally choose.



Happy living. Happiness is a consequence of good health, prosperity and good relations. 



Live Healthier is what i prefer. If you live Healthy, you can also live happily.



Living happily, of course. Without health one cannot live happily and by choosing to live happily one is indirectly choosing to be healthy.


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