Chips - Rose, schalp, eczema and fungal
Chips - Rose, schalp, eczema and fungalScales on the scalp, many people suffer from. Often flakes...
Take A Deep Breath and Live Longer
The Importance of Breathing Who does not look forward to holidays on the hills, trekking amidst...
Healthy children
A gift of God is this body of mine. Get up early and sleep by nine O’ clock. Stay clean and happy...
ALLOO VADA: Ingriedients: 15 to 30small patatoes; gralic chutny; green sandwich chutny; besan 2 1/2...
Anyone Courting or Dating ?
What does the term courtship and dating mean ? Dating is a word now being used very commonly even in...
The pink city
The pink city i.e. Jaipur is a place which attracts a billion of tourists every year. I was also...
Premature ejaculation - Causes and treatment
Introduction to premature ejaculation Premature ejaculation is the second most frequent...
Story of every village in India
Story of every village in India 1. There are lot of green tree and small plant and flowers. 2....
Raja yoga and karma yoga
Raga is a great yoga. Regular practice of meditation not only helps us to unfold our divine nature but...
Do We Need Role Models In The Cyber Age ?
Why do we need role models? Who do we look up to ? There was a time many years ago when youngsters...
Cholestrol control
Medical field has a pretty fine thought of how do affects Cholesterol. Exercising cooperative with...
BLACK WHITE AND GREY!! shades of life!
In the present day world, man has progressed in such a way that with a click of a button, we can...