

    There is no dictionary definition of happiness, one can gain it from different experiences whether it be good or bad. Everyone's happiest moment relates to one achievement or the other but mine can be a little

  • I am new to the world of writing. I am a student in psychology. I am an avid reader who loves to read all the time. Writing is my passion, I maintain a personal diary and journals. Writing to me is like unsaid emotions that come out from the depths of my heart..

  • We use the word happy so many times a day in our lives.. we associate everything with being happy or sad... In my opinion happiness is overrated! And happiness is actually a by-product of the peace we seek within. 

    I will be happy to hear your view and know if you agree or

  • If you are to choose one, which one will you give first preference?


  • Success means different things to different people. To some people, success might mean wealth, To others, it is recognition, good health, good family, happiness, satisfaction, peace and so on. What is success for you?