About article submission

Hey friends, I have just joined this site. I want to know how long it takes to approve the articles after submission. 

Category: Boddunan

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As per my experience, it takes about a week for approval. However, it might take longer for being published. I remember waiting for more than 6 weeks to get my first article published after editor's approval. If you go to articles section you will find that articles are being published at the gap of one month -three months. 

After revisiting the site after a gap as I was on vacation, I am struggling with article submission like many others. You can find threads on that topic in forum section. It seems to have a technical glitch with article submission right now and only administrator can tell how long the problem will persist.

Prerna Krishna Thanks a lot ARUNIMA SINGH ! - Prerna Krishna - 8 years ago
Prerna Krishna Also tell : Can we write articles in Hindi too? - Prerna Krishna - 8 years ago


You should follow the rules in Boddunan for article submission. It should be your own content, unique content and without grammatical error. It should not be copied from anywhere then it is eligible approved in one week.



Like Arunima has already pointed out , for all practical purpose , article writing has been discontinued until the administrator of the site looks into the matter and revives it .

Prerna Krishna Thank you USHA MANOHAR JI. - Prerna Krishna - 8 years ago
Prerna Krishna But whenever it starts, please tell what kind of articles are allowed here -- Hindi language, Poetry etc. - Prerna Krishna - 8 years ago
usha manohar You are welcome, however , please don't add Ji to my already given name. As of now forget about article writing , instead read as many articles as possible so that you get to know the kind of articles that are accepted here and also will be awarded one point for reading which will give you earning on this site , you can write on any subject including poetry , but only in English. - usha manohar - 8 years ago
Prerna Krishna Thanks again. - Prerna Krishna - 8 years ago

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