
Boddunan is an online community for writers and enthusiasts to share knowledge with the people over the web.
  • Hi i am  Deepthi

          New to Boddunan family and i am very happy to be as one of the member,I need all your support for my further journey.

    Thank you very much Sarala  for your reference.

  • In this Covid circumstance, being locked into a home must be very tough. This lifestyle can get boring, anyone can drain into depression, starting overthinking. 


    EXERCISE: Working out in the morning can refresh your psyche and it will be better for your immune system

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  • Hey friends, I have just joined this site. I want to know how long it takes to approve the articles after submission. 

  • Am an old member of buddunan,  today i logged in after a very long time and i found that my account is restricted. Is there any new rule or why is it so ?

  •  I was startled and shocked to see in the faq section regarding the active content thing. But 1 year gap is a long time of inactiveness and hope no one would be inactive for such long tenure. Started this discussion so that people in case are using it very rarely and did not get their eye

  • dear admin and editor please look after this guy named as myloveryou he is spamming the site, please block his id.

  • Who's the character who would not like to travel? Unlike their routine, almost every body likes to go out with themselves and understand about some new location .However, I without a doubt like to travel, If I can say about myself. I desire to partake with you all an journey of this

  • After a long time I start working regularly in Boddunan. But couldn't find out any changes in rules and are there any contests going on or not. If going on please let me know.

  • I've already seen the active thread regarding no articles being published and I've been reading all the opinions.  Looking at my forum stats one may think I am a pretty new member here, on the contrary, I was here on Boddunan since September 2009! I was very excited about


    Stock market basics

    you must be wondering about what the heck is stock market and how are we suppose to invest in the stocks of

  • Dear all,

    I would like to invite you to try out boddunan android app which will be releasing soon. This is to ensure there are no issues with the site compatibility. Since this requires some manual steps, I would like to invite only few people to try out the app. If you are interested

  • Why Boddunan is not as popular as Quora even though, Boddunan was introduced much before Quora and has various options which are better than Quora ?

  • Hi members!!  I have been here after a long gap. Now i want to know the details of revenue schemes currently active in our Boddunan site? 

  • This is becoming a mess for everyone. Specially in India, covid -19 is a topic which has many meanings. for some people it's profit, for some people it's opportunity, and for some its the end of everything that exists. its a huge difficult task to be patient and wait for some miracle that will

  • HI friends,

    Can anyone let me know if android application will not provide any points? I download it and used for some times and its not providing any points for log in, comments posting and article reading anything. 

    Can anyone let me know.

  • Hi Friends,

    Pls help me out will app will not count any points? Even login points are also not counting. Pls help me out.

  • Hi everyone, after 2 years I think am posting a forum. So don't know present status of Boddunan. I mean whether they except articles now or not. Earlier there was a rule, for a new member to get a first pay out, new member should have 2000 points through forums. Is it still there?


  • K-pop means Korean pop or Korean popular Music. To simplify it ,Do you know the Famous Band BTS or Bangtan Boys that became South korea's Special envoys at UN General assembly recently, is a K-pop band or can be said as the Most Famous K-pop band ever. 

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