How to unsubscribe answers given by other members in Q&A answers?

It's a big headache now. Whenever someone posts a new question or a new answer in Q&A section, I get a notification in my gmail account. I just want a notification only if someone answers to my questions , but not to all answers answered in the section. How is it possible? Is there any option available? Or can admin help me in any way please?

Category: Boddunan

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Under account tab, go to My Subscriptions menu and you can delete all your subscriptions.



I also feel the same sometimes that certain members are overdoing it in the greed of points. I will see what I can do in this matter.

Sandhya Rani yet the problem still persists. I dont want to get notifications in my gmail for all answers made, only mine..... Am a little selfish yaar...haha - Sandhya Rani - 9 years ago
suni51 There is no way you can stop them so you should inform the admin. - suni51 - 9 years ago


Wel, I think while creating question and answers it will ask email motification there you should not select all notifications. IF you do so then your mail id will get flooded up with others questions and answers.



Well, I think there is a solution.

Going to my subscriptions and deleting your subscriptions is an ideal way


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