Articles [General Reference]

  ATM is an abbreviated for Automated Teller Machine. It is usually located at busy places. It is a small place located in every area wherein there are at the most 2 ATM machines at one location. Needless to say that these ATMs are owned by banks....

You find lot of companies in the world but only  a very few of them are household names.  This companies have got the reputation on the sheer strength of their longevity lasting for a period of time beyond anybody's imagination.. These are the...

There are some false notions (ideas) about anger that we have acquired, which we use to justify and nourish our anger:1. I do not get angry. The actions of others make me so.Fact: At all times, and in all places you and only you are the creator of...

Oh thou strong ungrieving leaflet Thine winglets placid, unflustered, From hostile winds thou no grief getAnd protect the blooms, in clusters. Thou shine with the velvet rain drop That caresses you and believes That thou can tame the untamed nights...

We come across various types of conflicts in our day to day life.  In childhood it is between siblings.  When we grow up it is between our friends or with our girlfriends and when we get married it is without our wives.  At workplace it is between...

*The main of a plant are rots, stem, branches, leaves, lowers and fruit. Coconut tree It is most and many useful tree. It is one of the daily uses. *The Coconut is the fruit of the coconut palm, which is a tall graceful tree, native to...

Introduction – Now-a-days most of us are acquainted with the word ‘dictator’ because we often hear of some dictators of Europe and we know what it means.  A dictator is a person who has absolute control over the state.  The state is guided by...

The single life certainly carries so many benefits, independence, freedom and a lot more, but it also has disadvantages, especially if one wants a family who wants to enjoy marital happiness and perhaps decide to children.But the partners are...

Painting of Central Asia Women playing double sixes, by Zhou Fang (730-800 AD Av), China. The China, the Japan and Korea have a great painting tradition that is strongly committed to the art of calligraphy and engraving. The traditional...

Western Painting Egypt, Greece and ancient Rome Representation of Nefertari in the tomb of Ramses II (XIII century BC. If the ancient Egypt is a civilization with a great tradition in matters of architecture and sculpture, she has also...

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