Articles [General Reference]

This is a true story about a man called 'Bandhu Mohanty' who lived in a place called 'Jajpur', in the state of 'Kalinga', way back in the early sixteenth century. Jajpur, which now is a part of 'Orissa', holds great importance to the people of...

Most of know the usefulness of our mobile sim cards in our day to day life.  There are a host of facilities which our sim card service providers give, which have made our lives easier.  In this article we will talk only about facilities which our...

These days many people have fancy names for their email ids like Rocky123.  Similarly in social networking sites they have fancy names like their nick names for example GV. It is always advisable to have your full name including your initials as...

  ATTITUDE   Attitude can be defined as a way of approach or the mental thinking of an individual.   There are two types of attitude · Positive attitude and · Negative attitude.     POSITIVE ATTITUDE:   · Don’t find fault with others ·...

  MOTIVATION   What is Motivation? An inferred process within an animal or an individual that causes that organism to move towards a goal.     MOTIVATIONAL STRATEGIES: v Find new skills v Develop & train them v Get feedback on their...

  PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT   What is Personality?   · Personality is the sum total of all physical, mental and emotional attitudes, values, interests and motivational factors.   · Personality is the core potential that determines one's...

  Plastics are the subsets of materials known as Polymers. These are composed of large molecules formed by joining many smaller molecules together which are nothing but monomers. Polymers are of various kinds like fibres, films etc. Plastics have...

In the creative world of academics, at some point or the other one is often faced with the question of how different a designer is from a artist. To a viewer, both designers and artists are people who have a wild imagination, who keep sketching and...

Sunglasses, today, occupy a pivotal position in the market. People of all ages vie for the perfect pair of  sunglasses which suits their eyes. They take pride in their possession and wear it, just for the “smart and intelligent” look, if not for...

SanskritThe ancient Indo-European language of northern South Asia. Its earliest known form, Vedic Sanskrit (the language of the Vedas, ancient hymns), is documented from 1000 BC. By the 4th century BC Vedic Sanskrit had been succeeded by classical...

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