Articles [General Reference]

    Rain - The word itself will give happiness.If it happens we will enjoy it  especially childrenIf it doesn't come during the season, we will pray to God to give..     But there are some discomforts that we face during rainy seasons...

Patents are a way to register your inventions so that no one else can claim upon that. It is the set of right granted to the inventor in exchange of its public disclosure. In certain cases patented products get royalties also. The patent for...

There are many people who get tensed while attending an interview. But actually if you are prepared it is a very simple thing. There are some general criteria’s interviewers’ follows. If you are well adapted to these so called criteria’s , Success...

How to succeed in an interview? It is the most important question of every student. To them here are some useful tips which will surely guide them in a right path to succeed in their career and to lead a happy life.   1. Be clean, neat and...

Hai friends in this article let us see about the Hat which we use in day to day life,whenever we go out in the hot sun.Hat is noting but a form of headdress or which is used to cover our head, and it especially has a crown and brim. Similar to...

There are some point who give Idea to pass your time in right way. 1. Join sites like and read articles. 2. At the week end you can do Swimming, Excercise, Horse riding. 3. You can join yoga class to do yoga for your good...

We proud that we are Indian but why because India is Country which have lot of mix culture and other things. What we have in India. 1. Nice Villages with green trees. 2. Nice cities with different industries. 3. Nice cinemas and Entertainment...

Painting: Baroque and Rococo Las Meninas by Diego Velasquez (1656). The Judgment of Paris Ruben From 1600 and throughout the seventeenth century, has developed a new style of painting, Baroque painting. Among the greatest Baroque painters...

Painting Pop Art Aucassiu and Nicolette of Charles Demuth (1921) Precision metal work Born in the 1950s in England, the Pop Art will mainly develop in America with artists such as Jasper Johns, Larry Rivers and Robert Rauschenberg in the 1960s...

We all would at some point in our childhood (and in college) folded papers to make rocket and other things.But we do not know the name for that art(well some of you might know the name..)it's called Origami.using this art ,paper can be folded to...

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