Articles [General Reference]

In our lives we respect people whom we are forced to respect to whether we like it or not.  This is because of the fact we do not have any options.  For example whether we like our boss or not we have to respect him or her.  Similarly when we meet...

Humans live for happiness. I look and I believe every person wants a state of "happy" in which no sobs, disappointment, loneliness, but a condition in which laughter and joy to meet him. Christians have a source of joy in him that comes from...

Already know the balance scorecard? You are never sure management classes know this concept, and those who do not know, is simply the concept of balance scorecard is a performance measurement that can help a business or organization in achieving...

Rocky Mountains are popularly called as " Rockies" are great chain of rugged mountain ranges which is present in western North America and it extends from central New Mexico to the Northeastern British Columbia, which covers a distance of about...

Glacier National Park,was established in 1909,is a national park located in the city Montana,in the United States of America. This park is located in the northwestern part of Montana and it is near the Canadian border.This park also borders with...

Emotional Labor: A situation in which an employee expresses organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions.Emotional Dissonance: A situation in which an employee must project one emotion while simultaneously feeling...

  Learn More Than One Language!? We all know that language is a kind of communication tool that human's use. Before we know languages and even before we know how to speak we used many kind of symbols to communicate and express our thoughts and...

These days it is very common to see children in the age group of 12 to 15 driving vehicles. What was surprising was that some of them were driving big motorbikes.  When you think of the weight of a big motor bike and the age of the kid, that itself...

In this article we will know about some words that really relate to some parts of the house/living place. Both inside and out residence, home, house, accommodations; quarters, rooms, lodgings; informal place, pad, digs you can have many more such...

Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Protection of the environment in all  its forms has been receiving much public attention at domestic and international forums. The  question is by no means new but it...

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