Articles [General Reference]

One fine evening, reading the newspaper an interesting headline caught my attention."Boy battles cancer - tops scores with 92% in SSC examination"The report stated that a 16 year old boy Nikhil Mane, a patient of leukaemia , scored 92 marks in...

So many worries but a million smilesClose to you stay all the happiest times,Nothing can take you off your head somehowI really feel everyone is missing your lovePlace your hands on incomplete dreamsTake your life all asit seemsShare your happiness...

I saw a film-"Pursuit of Happyness".It has a great line said by Will Smith-"I started thinking about Thomas Jefferson on the Declaration of Independence and the part about our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And I remember...

One of the most important aspect concerning our lives is Tolerance.  This involves in our day to day activities at our workplace, at our homes and in our localities and in long term aspects like relationships Short Term tolerance is what is...

On 14th October 2009, I along with a couple of my colleagues had been to Nilgiris Super Market to purchase Deepavali Sweets for our organization for distribution to our customers. We purchased items worth Rs.9,980/-.  Even though we are well aware...

In Bangalore, if you do not own  a vehicle it is better to travel in a Bus than in a Auto rickshaw.  The reasons are:- Step 1:- In Bangalore usually Autorickshaw are not usually always avaiable in residential areas. You have to walk atleast 5...

Where is Zambezi river? Zambezi river which is also called as Zambesi  river is located at southern Africa and it sorigin is from Near Mwinilunga, Zambia.This river is very popular as it is the fourth longest river of the African continent.The...

Hi friends,in this article i will explain what we can do if we are given power to rule the country.Her ei have given my point of view and you can aslo discuss if you felt anything wrong. From my point of view Iam very clear that we might be very...

Take a moment to imagine your city in the midst of a war. When you have to board up your windows and doors and fear for your family’s safety every second, fear that the room you are sitting in now will explode at any moment. What will you do when...

What happened to tolerance and reasoning? People resort to mindless violence because they cannot find any other way of expressing their disagreement. They use force and intimidation to instill fear within people, thereby creating opposition, hatred...

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