Articles [General Reference]

The great French writer and essayist once quoted  “When it comes to the matter of money all are in one religion”. Everybody has a single aim of making maximum money in their life. People select so many good and bad ways to earn money and it is an...

An expert can read our mind by looking into our eyes. Looking into eyes is one of the important aspects of effective communication. Learn some tricks that will help you to communicate effectively and positively. Center of  Eyes : The center of our...

Tooth paste is not only used to clean teeth. Please find some usages of tooth paste. If there is stain or ink in your shirt or other dresses, no need to be panic. Rub those part with tooth paste and wash it. Scratches in CD or DVD can be...

  The Indian national flag..., covering a journey of 40 years was finally adopted by the constituent Assemble on 22 July 1947 0n the eve of independence. A) The first national flag in Indian was hoisted on august t, 1906 in the Parse Began Square...

Uncertainty of futureUncertainty of future has always haunted mankind. The fear of the unknown future is the cause of various foretelling techniques. Some of these are palmistry, numerology, dream prophesy, terrot cards and astrology. Palmistry is...

Many a time it has been found that we do not follow certain basics in life.  Once such aspect is basic manners at our homes, the area in which we live in  and at our workplaces.  There are some basic manners which are to be followed. Manners to be...

All of us are groomed to have different ambitions in our lives by our parents.  Some parents want their children to become doctors and put their ambition in their mind while some others want their children to become teachers, engineers or lawyers....

Is when you shed tears and STILL care of it. Is when he's not and you STILL mempedulikanmu faithfully waiting. Was when he began to love others and you STILL can smile while you say 'I'm happy for you' If love does not work... FREE yourself...

We communicate all the time-everyday. We put our ideas, thoughts and feelings into words. We talk. So many millions of words are spoken each day by people. Every one has ideas, information, thoughts, and feelings to share and tell. Sometimes it...

One of the most preferred mode of travel for many is by train especially for those who cannot afford  to go by flight and those who do not like travelling by buses.  Most of us tend to book tickets from booking counters or people who are lazy or do...

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