Articles [General Reference]

  Every one learns something through his / her experiences. I too have learnt many things, the most important being the realization of the word "Control". Personally, i feel that if there is something called as a "perfect life" then it has to be...

The development of technology is at a rapid rate and it is also implemented everywhere, irrespective of their fields. As a part of this technological development in this world, here in this article let us see something regarding the development of...

  Today, day-to-day life has become more complicated and fast than we anticipated. To attain this fast following world, we also have to be fast and have to work equally hard to stay in the race. Stress is the result of this fast life, which can...

  You all must have heard about The Glass Half Filled ( or probably 'Half Empty'). We have been always made to believe that the glass is half filled. Once in my class, this question was raised and as you would expect, almost all of them put...

Nuclear weapons, nuclear explosions and the latest concepts in nuclear technology are being discussed in great detail now-a-days.  The reason could be attributed to the nuclear explosions conducted by India and Pakistan during May, 1998.  The...

    All you Need is a thought To be what you want to be, be what you want to be, and to be what you want and be believe in what you want to be well, this thought completely memorised me into believing in a completely exciting world of...

A smile may be a five letter word, but holds a depth of Ocean in it. It is an abstract key of many difficulties Yet a lock for many sorrows. S                 Supersensibility M                          Modesty I                           ...

In the mirror I see a face; Into two innocent eyes I gaze. A wild child I see; running around scraping his knee. Life is so simple and good; That's because I see my childhood. Then.... In the mirror I see a face; keeping up with jet age...

For all the times you have looked my way... For all the times you have made my day.. For all the things you have given me. For all the dreams I thought would never be.... For being there when no one else came.... For helping me through...

  Every time you get a large electricity bill, it might be because you haven't concentrated on the fact that even a single bulb left lightened, can contribute a lot to the energy wastage. But, it might equally be, because your light bulbs are...

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