Articles [General Reference]

Man is always interested to know about the life on other planets in universe. It is very difficult for man to find out what is present outside the solar system. Frank Drake and Karl Sagan stated a formula to find out the probability of presence of...

My friendship doesn’t mean to die for you It just means to live for you. My friendship doesn’t mean to get you It is just means to respect you My friendship is not to fall for you It is just to stay for you….. Forever. Friend a ………… “A...

  Six Media Players Media players are nothing but the softwares used to play audio and video in our computers. There are tons of such media players available over the internet. Some are free and some are not. And then there are some media...

Superstitions The Oxford Dictionary tells us that the word, 'Superstition' means an  'irrational fear of the unknown or mysterious', a belief 'regarding the supernatural' and ' a religion or practice or particular opinion based on such...

Nowadays, everywhere you can see roads are getting dug up for better improvements and better utilization of roads, this is what common people like u and me feel. Let us see the other side of what we feel. Following is the interview or you may say,...

Cricket is the sport which most loved and popular game in India than in any other country in this world. Though it is created and spreaded by Britishers but the game is most popular in our country rather in England. It was the year 2003 when i...

"Never Love A Love That Hurts, Never Hurt A Love That Loves" Love Comes Once? Is Love an emotion? Is Love a feeling? Anyway, we must try to understand and experience Love at least once in our life time. And I would say "Love is an...

Both the adult psychiatry and in child psychiatry, are common to different conditions. The type of disease is often different in children than in adults. In children sleep disturbances, including nightmares and sleep walking, while fairly common...

Have all of you wondered as to how our actual reactions are on achieving a milestone when compared to our perceived reactions on achieving a target.  Have a look at some examples. Example 1 Winning an election:- You challenge a person saying that...

DOUBLED ALPHABET AND THEIR ABBREVIATION This article may sound weird but it will be really interesting to read and you will learn something out of this. Have fun. AA • Alcoholics Anonymous. • antiaircraft. • administrative assistant. • Associate...

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