Articles [General Reference]

      'Manners make the man' is proverb. Good manners or shortly, manners are the established principles of decent conduct or behavior  in social life. They comprise decent words, gestures, movements, speech, courtesy, politeness, etc. They...

      'Spoon-Feeding' is feeding or helping with the simplest device or mechanism. The term literally means 'feeding with a spoon'. The mother feeds the baby or the child with a spoon. In the western countries people uses the knife, the fork...

      Ticket-less traveling  by bus or by the tram-car or by train has been an age-old offense. There are different types of travelers who travel without tickets. Some travelers who travel by bus or by train don't buy tickets. The poor or...

Tips to care your mobile 1. Keep your mobile dry  and keep away from any type of liquid if its done then remove your battery first and dry it. 2. Do not keep mobile at Hot place battery can be damage. 3. Do not use your mobile in dusty place...

Elections have become a part and parcel of modern life. They show that every modern government and the opposition consist of the representative parliament. Since all the people cannot have a direct hand in governing themselves, they elect their...

Democracy and Dynastic Ambition By Chinmoy Mukherjee The recent trend among our political parties to permit their relations to be fielded in electoral battles is one badly affecting the health of our democracy which should be viewed with great...

The Fascinating History of Parsis In India By Chinmoy Mukherjee The significance of the role played by Parsis in India in various fields of our national life is truly phenomenal. How a small community could spread their influence with their...

  Ever wished you could give something to the community, even if you dont have the time and resources to do so? Well, if you are really serious about your intentions, you can visit many charity sites online, and help.. Even a mouse-click from you...

The world has become small and flying to countries across the globe has become a regular habit for many people. If we need to fly to different nations, it is mandatory that we are equipped not only with the local traditions but also with the...

BETTER TIE UP WITH SOCIAL SERVICES! Man is a social animal. He lives in a society. He lives amidst other human beings who make up the society. He has many social obligations. The welfare of the society decides his welfare. His happiness...

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