To free the philosopher, or the spiritual person in me, I spend time in seclusion, and follow whatever thoughts come to me. These are usually to do with the self. For me, spirituality, and discovering different facets on self awareness are one and the same thing. I found out, for instance, recently, that people depend on perceptions to perceive the world, instead of just perceiving.
In other words, people want their perceptions to be dependable to themselves, so they believe that what they perceive is the absolute truth. As we know, when absolute truth is challenged, we react to this in different ways. Some of us may be disheartened, others angry, others, very confused, etc.
So, when perceptions we depend upon are contradicted, we try to fire fight the conflict in our way. The truth is not belief, but the truth is the absolute verification of belief, at least once, that the belief can manifest. If there is truth, there exists untruth, too.But untruth is not pondered upon, when one finds the truth. Some beings, have made truth for themselves, from untruth, and by their eforts, have helped others also discover the truth, without effort. The truth, perhaps, has to do with the self, and not with other associations of the self.
Normally, do people want to know the truth? If they want to know the truth, then do they make an attempt at the truth? What stops a person from identifying the truth, when he makes the effort? The only way, a person wants to know the truth, is when he is fooling himself, for any reason, perhaps.