Articles [General Reference]

It has now became a hot discussion that will world end on 2012 December.. Everyone is asking it to each other and the main reason for it is the ending of mayan calendar in 2012 December.. So, What's the fact..?? Will world end on 2012...

  Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata conjures up the memory of a man whose life and achievements could be best described in the words of Shakespeare: “ His life was gentle and the elements so mixed in him that nature might stand up/ And say to all the...

Gatwick Airport easily offers one of the most secure, high standard, well manned and well lit car parks that are lucidly signposted from every major road that approaches the airport. The Gatwick Airport offers a wide gamut of parking alternatives...

Like always i was chating on yahoo messenger when suddenly one Angel ca,e and told me about this great website first i dint listen to him and keep ignoring his messages but all of sudden when i thought that would it make any difference to just view...

The novel is the most popular literary form. Novels are more popular than poems and plays, because novels are more readable. People read novels mainly because a novel usually contains a good story. Most people think that a novel must contain a...

INDIA is a land of excellence. Our countrymen have been exceptional achievers in various fields of activity, which ranges from sports to arts and science. Our country employs a number of awards to honour these great men and woman of our country,...

Hi friends, in this article I would like to discuss about PERSEVERANCE, with you. “Perseverance does not come from our power, yet it comes within our power”, says St. Francis de sales. People say that a genius is 90% perspiration and 10%...

  Two recent events of the most scandalous kinds have rocked the nation and coarsened our conscience once again. The one is involving a very senior politician who thoroughly disgraced the office of the governor and another of a gruesome nature in...

THE NINE MACHINE: Here is a unique way to work out the 9th table of multiplication for amateurs.Preparation: Hold your hands in front of you with your fingers straight out. Imagine a number for each of your fingers from left to right starting with...

What is time? Time can be defined as a measurable period. It is used to measure the duration of events. We use time to find out how long it takes to clap our hands, sing a song or to finish our history class and so on. All happenings and events...

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