Marriage is just a word that signifies a two people of opposite gender agreeing to take care of each other until whoever dies, and also participate in natures law n demand to procreate. the significance of such understanding is responsibility. the whole problems starts from here. every relationship breaks becoz of 'responsibility'. so my view is two ppl can get into relationship, either to unknown partner (arranged) or known romancing partner (love). both has its own positives n negatives in relating. let us not get into those details.
let me get back to being 'responsible'. both kind of relating arranged or love marrige has to have this basic fabric strong enough that it sustains all kinds of turmiols. this is not a big asking, but holding on to it n sustaining is demanding. its like, arranged marriage (Govt. secured job) and love marriage (little extra paid, Pvt. sector job), both needs being responsible.The difference would be little irresponsibility tolerated in Govt. job, n not so in Pvt. sector. thats all.
but staying always without relating is to be irresponsible towards life.
If you feel, you are a responsible person, then get married.