In this PROVERB SERIES-3 article, the proverb that I have taken is:
It is human nature to postpone things. Often we feel lazy and therefore postpone them. But more often than not, it is because of our over confidence that we postpone things. We believe that we can attend to them at any time we want and that they do not need any advance attention. But as time passes on, either because of our forgetfulness or because of our pre-occupation with others, they get postponed and finally when the situation worsens we have to pay much more attention than what was once needed.
That delay is dangerous, applies to nations as well. Be it in storing or procuring food for lean months, or in making preparations for an essential project; or in entering into a treaty or agreement with another country or in defence preparedness, no country can afford to postpone. ‘Do it now’ must be our motto. Then we don’t have to say that a stitch in time saves nine.