Miscellaneous blogs are eclectic digital spaces where creativity knows no bounds. These blogs defy categorization, celebrating the quirky, the unexpected, and the delightful.

Articles [Miscellaneous]

We expect to do a lot of things in our life. But no deed of us moves forward. So we need to have a stable goal. But the plan which we follow may not be right. How much we try to move forward in our career and studies. But our thoughts end up to our...

Nail polish remover is not only a cosmetic product; it not only removes nail polish from the nails. It can be used differently in other ways. This solvent is used to remove the any kind of stains or any sticky items on the clothes. It even works as...

Postnatal: After giving birth to a baby, many doubts arise in the woman's mind. About The baby growth and health will be top among those doubts. So if she needs to take care of these, then the mother also must be healthy and fit. When a woman is...

"If only I had more time........I could have.... " It's not uncommon to hear statements like, "If only I had more time........I could have.... " Does it mean, availability of more time means doing  more work? No it's not assured. I cn tell...

Attitude Of a Winner Winners are invariably optimists.They never count the amount of work that they put in their jobs. Their only interest is "Outcome."In this process they will not leave any stone unturned.A winner is not one who always wins. He...

भूमिका पिछले कुछ सालों में प्ले स्कूल, किंडर गार्डन की जरुरत और मांग काफी बड़ी है। छोटे कस्बो, शहरों में भी इनकी संख्या काफी बढ़ गई  है। ये आज की जरुरत है। बड़े शहरों में डे बोर्डिंगो का सिलसिला भी चल निकला है। इनकी संख्या बदलते हालात का सबसे...

भूमिका बालों को कलर करने का ट्रेंड आज जोरों पर है . हर कोई अपने बालों को कम से कम एक बार जरुर रंगवाना चाहता है . यही तमन्ना उसे पार्लर की तरफ खींच ले जाती है . सुंदर और अलग लुक पाने के लिए लोग अपने बालों को तरह तरह से कलर करवाते है . युवाओं में...

What drives you mad and forces you to shriek at the top of your voice, and say, "This listless routine of my life is driving me to nuts. I'm feeling asphyxiated and breathless, i'm dying for a change of place and change of scenario. God, it looks...

भूमिका डेंगू दुनिया में सबसे ज्यादा फैलने वाला रोग है . हर वर्ष बहुत से लोग इसके संक्रमण का शिकार होते हैं . आज भी डेंगू से मरने वालों की संख्या में बड़ी तेज़ी से बढोतरी हो रही है . डेंगू और भारत का रिश्ता बहुत पुराना है, जिसमें अक्टूबर 1996 में वो...

Introduction Whenever you think of starting any kind of exercise regime always make sure you conduct a fitness test first. We often do not know whether our body is ready for a particular exercise regime. One should start an appropriate exercise...

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