Miscellaneous blogs are eclectic digital spaces where creativity knows no bounds. These blogs defy categorization, celebrating the quirky, the unexpected, and the delightful.

Articles [Miscellaneous]

Introduction: ‘Mahabharata’, the oldest and the biggest epic of the world is all about a great war of 18 days’ duration fought between Pandavas and Kauravas, two separate groups of sons of two brother ‘Pandu’ and ‘Dhritarastra’ respectively. The...

About Online Shopping Online shopping has become a passion and mode of purchase things without going to any real-world shop. Many people like to shop online but they do not want to enter the details of their cards on online shopping website. They...

The Independence Day is a good time to think about the state of the nation. Sixty seven years ago on August 15, 1947 India attained independence from the British. In fact it was for the first time after about a thousand years of foreign rule in one...

The concept of shunya led to the concept of understanding nothingness. It later on led to it being represented by the symbol '0' now known as zero. It was during the period 5th - 2nd century BC that Indian scholars started using the Sanskrit term...

No need to resign to the fate. Despite all precautions,we face some sort of inconvenience during our travelling, be it by bus or by train. Most of us prefer to bear the inconveniences silently. We are are paying Railways and the Bus travelling...

‘You Are What You Eat.’ Thus goes the saying. Man needs food to survive. In the same lines man needs medicines to save himself from ailments. As per an estimation an average a family spends approximately 50 percent of it’s income towards...

When he entered the C.E.O’s chamber, the CEO lifted his head from the file he was reading ,smiled at him and offered a chair gesturing with his head towards the chair. The CEO, waited until he settled and looked ar him enquiringly. He pulled...

Harsh, insensitive and undemocratic sounding words sometimes reveal the bitter, naked truth. Late Balasaheb Thakre had once said if Muslims are deprived of franchise, the so- called secular leaders would be left unmasked. What Balasaheb meant to...

Introduction Are you an aware customer? Do you check the parameters relating to quality and quantity before making the purchase? If you are the kind of person who examines things, you should examine products too before purchasing them. Let me...

“Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy.” This famous quote of Kahlil Gibran...

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