Miscellaneous blogs are eclectic digital spaces where creativity knows no bounds. These blogs defy categorization, celebrating the quirky, the unexpected, and the delightful.

Articles [Miscellaneous]

Google is one of the most used search engine in the world. A basic search engine what it does is sift through the internet for relevant webpages depending upon the keyword you submit. In  1990's search engines were really slow, coming up with...

Rape is defined as the forcible penetration against a woman's will. Recent surveys show that,on an average atleast one rape case is reported in 14 minutes. This means even you can get raped,the chances are really high..Its not just in US,its...

भूमिका सही टाइल्स का सिलेक्शन घर की खूबसूरती में चार चाँद लगा देता है,  आजकल मार्केट में मल्टी कलर, शेप व डिज़ाइन वाली सिरेमिक टाइल्स, मोज़ेक टाइल्स, फ़र्श टाइल्स मौज़ूद है आप अपनी पसंद के अनुसार बेडरूम, किचन, और बाथरूम में डिफरेंट टाइप की टाइल्स...

First thing i do in the morning is turn on my phone ,use the wifi and check my updates on facebook.Then half an hour later i check it again and it goes on throughout the day.I'm a college going student and im pretty sure most of my peers do the...

भूमिका किताबें, कपड़े, घूमने फिरने और पढ़ाई से संबंधित किशोरों के हर जरुरी खर्च को माता पिता उठाते ही हैं, इसके अलावा किशोरों को मिलती है मोटी पॉकेटमनी, जिसे वे मौजमस्ती और खानेपीने में बिना सोचे समझे खर्च कर देते हैं, बर्गर, चाउमीन,चिप्स, कोल्ड...

For years, its considered as the consequences of climatic change on farming and food is going to be a positive one. This is because the increasing level of carbon-dioxide lead for weather change will help the greeneries for photosynthesis. Thus,...

The World Health Organisation (WHO) reports that by 2020, two-thirds of the global disease condition will be because of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular problem. John p Wayne, a member of the expert panel and chair of the International Obesity...

What drives you mad and forces you to shriek at the top of your voice, and say, "This listless routine of my life is driving me to nuts. I'm feeling asphyxiated and breathless, i'm dying for a change of place and change of scenario. God, it...

Quest for happiness began when the life began on earth. Though quest for happiness is as old as life on earth, no one could come up with a definitive answer for the question, “Where is happiness?”  And no one could come up with a definitive...

Basic Idea About bank Lets us know how our banking system works. They work because we trust on them and give our hard earned money to them. The bank utilizes that money to make extra money. They invest all money around the world.  Banks get...

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