Miscellaneous blogs are eclectic digital spaces where creativity knows no bounds. These blogs defy categorization, celebrating the quirky, the unexpected, and the delightful.

Articles [Miscellaneous]

`What's communication? The dictionary meaning of communication says,'imparting or exchange of information by speaking, writing or some other medium. We all know that having skills in communication, enables us to...

Seeing the Balloon seller’s balloons in myriad colours , children  flocked around him screaming with ecstasy. The balloon man seeing their elation took a helium filled balloon and let it go flying in the air. As the balloon was going up and...

Without an iota of doubt, now it has become evident, nurturing  knowledge is the only ‘Success Sutra’ in the fiercely competitive corporate world. Where can a Corporation hope to get an edge over its rivals and stay aloft head and shoulders...

Most of us have the misconception that our destiny is not in our hands but it is decided by some omnipresent forces present in nature. People rely on Karma so much that they forget the purpose of...

How do you see yourself? Are you an optimist or Pessimist? What makes one an optimist?If you see the distant stars through your window, though there are heaps of garbage nearby,If you see the rose, but not the thorn surrounding the rose,If you see...

Introduction Leadership is a kind of quality that take you on the path of Success. A life of a good leader is full of Success moment and achievements. Will you a born leader? Leadership quality is common in every person take birth on earth. It...

One, who is adept at managing with people, will become the most successful man. It’s an undeniable fact that man’s life is linked with a host of different kinds of people. Hence, if one is careful and cautious about the human relations and the...

The dictionary meaning of Mastermind is, “A highly intelligent person, especially one who plans and directs a complex or difficult project”.We know a Compass shows its needle always towards North.But, if a person’s mental needle always points out...

Why at times communication fail? All of us, must have encountered situations like this at one time or other in  home, office or work place. Boss tells the Assistant to book a hall for a conference without telling only 6 delegates will...

Many people build barriers around them. They resign themselves to the fate. “I’m destined to live like this”, is the thought they ive with all along their lives. Such people suppress their ambitions. They live with what they have within their...

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