Miscellaneous blogs are eclectic digital spaces where creativity knows no bounds. These blogs defy categorization, celebrating the quirky, the unexpected, and the delightful.

Articles [Miscellaneous]

Introduction Most people save money for their future or for any kind of emergency. People also save and invest money for the studies and marriage of their children. But what does one do if one requires money money all of a sudden to meet an...

Monsoon has set in our area. Yesterday we had the first shower. The sizzling temperature in our hometown has drastically fallen down. This year the monsoon is not late. To that extent it's a welcome development. What is scary is that snakes of all...

A manufacturer makes goods to sell. In order to sell his goods, he has to make the buyers know that he has made them and  they are of supreme quality unlike a similar product in the market. For this purpose, Here is where, ‘Advertisement’...

The planet Earth that gave us a place to live is in danger. It’s being used in an astronomical scale. And who are the abusers? We.  A pity.  Is it not a classic example of drilling a hole in the same plate we are eating? Is  it not...

What’s jugaad Jugaad is a way of thought process,  that  attaches importance to, “How to approach a problem”. This way of approach paves way to lateral thinking. In other words Jugaad is finding a solution from the problem itself...

The spate of child rapes that took place in India in the recent months, despite stringent and tougher laws point out assertively to one single point, that no matter how tough and stringent anti rape laws may be, fail to create a deterrent effect,...

The concept of time travel is as old as the evolution of human beings. The fact is that about 60% of world population fantasize about time travelling. This popularity has led to hundreds of sci fi movies and thousands of books based on time...

Many people in this world wish that their money would have sex in their wallet and multiply automatically, but unfortunately that can only happen in the dream. In reality you have to work hard for your credits. However money making in today's era...

  Chaos It is true that the world is looking at India as an emerging superpower but the current government has made India most vulnerable than ever before. John Milton, one of the most famous English poet who wrote the epic poem "Paradise...

Living one's own life means, living in accordance with one's own aspirations and ambitions.We see a majority of the people around us living in accordance with somebody's expectations. This type of living is nothing but 'Living other's life.' What...

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