Miscellaneous blogs are eclectic digital spaces where creativity knows no bounds. These blogs defy categorization, celebrating the quirky, the unexpected, and the delightful.

Articles [Miscellaneous]

 Sikhism has given birth to the greatest warriors in northern India. Sikh have fought in many conflicts throughout their history. It is in their blood to survive and prosper. Sikhs are saint-warriors.  “Sure So Pahchaniye, Jo Lare Din Ke...

It is a painful condition with loss of motion in the shoulder. It may be due to an injury to the shoulder but may also arise gradually or spontaneously. It occurs due to inflammation to the joint in which joint fluid thickens and capsule...

Introduction  Plato was born in an aristocratic family in 427 B.C.  He was the greatest student of Socrates. After death of Socrates, he extensively traveled to various places including Egypt and Italy.  He founded an academy and...

In today's world where the media is all powerful and there is an overflow of readily available information, everybody seems to be getting their five minutes of fame. The media, forever hungry for new stories and topics has invaded all spheres of...

Man cannot live alone; he is asocial animal. This phrase sounds so cliched. However the fact remains that to lead a meaningful life one must interact with other individuals. Among them, some are his acquaintances while some are just associated with...

मानव जीवन संघर्ष का दूसरा नाम है। मानव जनम से लेकर मृत्यु पर्यंत तक प्रकृति की शक्तियों से संघर्ष करता है ताकि वह जीवित रह सके। जब वह प्रकृति की सम्मुख हार जाता है तो वह उसके जीवन में एक बड़ा विराम होता है। यह अवस्था तभी आती है जब वह संघर्ष करता है...

Peers are someone whom we consider as an equal such as those belonging to our age group or those who belong to the same social status. They may be our friends, classmates or colleagues. As we spend a greater part of the time with them, they play a...

There was very interesting discussion going on among guests who had gathered to celebrate silver jubilee of Chadhas. They were talking about ghosts. Their opinion was sharply divided. Ramesh Verma intervened to say that nothing could be said with...

Raghabpur is one of the oldest Christian centers south of Calcutta. It prides itself on a beautiful church, which is more than a hundred years old. The parish has a higher secondary school run by Jesuit Fathers and a primary school managed by nuns...

Kavita was in distress and in very disturbed mind. Kavita and Karan's wedding took place 10 years ago. They both entered into a happy married life! Karan works in a private company at salary of 30,000 rupees a month. Kavitha is a...

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