Miscellaneous blogs are eclectic digital spaces where creativity knows no bounds. These blogs defy categorization, celebrating the quirky, the unexpected, and the delightful.

Articles [Miscellaneous]

Nowadays, most of the Indians are interested in Online shopping as it saves a lot of time and very comfortable.  The things like ornaments, cosmetic, salt etc, can be purchased via online. Some people think online shopping is very useful...

Everyone loves to spend time with his or her families. Many people like to organize a picnic with their family. For organizing a picnic, you have to know in what way you can host a picnic. Hosting a picnic means time full of fun and excitement with...

We all know about this age old saying, ’Service before self’, which holds mirror to those great souls, who go all out to render service to the society. In this process, they care not for their self and its needs. Their lives are based on the...

Money matters are inherited  There should be no doubt if we say that most of us inherit property, money, habits and traditions from our parents. Then we shall have no objection in agreeing that how to use the money is one of the traditions...

Crime everywhere Not a single day passes without a crime somewhere. Morning news papers welcome you with the bold headlines of a crime incident.  A suicide bomber explodes a bomb in the heart of the city. Remnants of human organs spilled...

They have nothing of their own, except their Dreams. A small employee with a meager salary. His education stopped abruptly at 10th class. But not the deep desire to grow and advance. A tribal youth, who read up to eighth standard, worked in an...

What is positive imaging Manasa Vacha Karmana According to the definition of “Manasa, vaacha, karmana” the three Sanskrit words paint  a picture of an individual who sticks to manasa means the mind, vaachaa means to speech, and karmanaa...

Do you realize your physical, mental and emotional resources? Most of us deplete our physical, mental and emotional resources unknowingly by adopting to wrong and wasteful ways, thereby  exerting unnecessary pressure on ourselves. This is...

That is the imposing building of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. In the campus, just opposite to C.N.R Rao’s home, there is a flower pecker bird busy in building its nest on a Singapore cherry tree. Flower peckers are immensely fond of...

Introduction Our world becomes compact and smaller. Today people from the entire world prefer small gadgets such as mobile, Tab, notepad for communication other people. They prefer to see complicated website on their mobile phone. If you are a...

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