Miscellaneous blogs are eclectic digital spaces where creativity knows no bounds. These blogs defy categorization, celebrating the quirky, the unexpected, and the delightful.

Articles [Miscellaneous]

A heart stealing landscape A dense forest, in the state of Karnataka, India, surrounded by high hills, tall trees, infested by wild animals and a plethora of poisonous and vicious creatures. The name of the place is, Biligirirangana...

What is this ‘Will’? Everyone has a will of his or her own. The dictionary meaning of ‘will’ is, “will is the faculty by which a person decides or regarded as deciding on and initiating action.” It is implied from the above that it is up to...

There is no relation whatsoever. That is a Big man necessarily need not be a  man with high Self confidence. And the converse is also true. Take the Biblical story of David and Goliath. David, though has a diminutive physique compared to the...

Love what you do Who doesn't want success? But when it comes to how to achieve it and the ways to achieve it there are many views suggested by different experts and authorities in the field of Personal development.Out of all the ways suggested,...

A leader is like a gardener. A committed and devoted gardener carefully chooses his seeds. He thinks in terms of growing the plants and seeing that they are grown in to mighty trees so that generations after generations people can enjoy its shade...

We see some people committing mistake after mistake despite his or her erudition. A seasoned businessman, despite his wealth of market experience, gets entangled with another transaction that makes him further plunge in to the quagmire...

Introduction Frugal living is about going economical as far as money is concerned. Have you ever planned your expenses? In many cases, it has been observed that people earn a lot and yet run out of money and struggle to survive and fulfill the...

The incident that moved me. That day, I was picking up mangoes from the wayside fruit vendor. A big bang forced me to come out of my mango world to the present. I turned towards the narrow road, which was a picture of chaos. People started...

While describing a beautiful woman, writers start describing the beauty with the damsel’s hair.That’s the value of hair in a woman’s beauty. In Hindu mythologies Parvati was described as ‘Ramya kapardini. ’Because her dense hair looks like a...

The year was 2006. The year when the netizens witnessed a hitherto unheard of a rebellion that shook the cyber world. The most sensational event in the field of journalism "Wiki Leaks" took birth. What made "Wiki Leaks" a sensation. Let me...

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