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Practical konwledge only last for ever.

Even practical knowledge also needs updating from time to time. Otherwise your knowledge wil become obsolete.
Yes sir. Practical knowledge with updation is the need of the hour. I agree. :)
Yes sir. Practical knowledge with updation is the need of the hour. I agree. :)

Geeta, I have been observing you, most of your responses are just reflection of others opinions. Don't you have anything of your own? Unless you have something of your own, Forums become dull and dreary. Take this as a friendly suggestion.
Writing is the best practice to remember whatever we have studied. Noting down main points as hints helps us to remember easily.

Application of what's learnt to the real life will make all the difference. Knowledge without application is an exercise in futility .

Yes, correct..practical utility / application of theoretical knowledge helps one to retain the info for a longer time. Even writing and remembering fails at times.

Knowledge gained through rote is nothing but a robotic action. It's as good as not having knowledge at all.

Most schools these days have a blended approach towards learning..textbook along with multimedia based learning is being implemented. Of course not all schools, but the well-known high-end international schools have already started using a mixed approach towards learning is what most schools are trying to implement..which is a good thing.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

Good schools which offer education that helps in acquiring knowledge with application are very less in number.. If such schools are available in these days of commercialization , there is nothing like it.
Good schools which offer education that helps in acquiring knowledge with application are very less in number.. If such schools are available in these days of commercialization , there is nothing like it.

Yes, slowly digital education is being implemented..of course it will take time to get it done in all schools but now all educational concepts are recreated, videos, graphics, games, along with text book are used to make learning an enriching and fun experience.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

Good schools which offer education that helps in acquiring knowledge with application are very less in number.. If such schools are available in these days of commercialization , there is nothing like it.

Yes, slowly digital education is being implemented..of course it will take time to get it done in all schools but now all educational concepts are recreated, videos, graphics, games, along with text book are used to make learning an enriching and fun experience.

I hope, the new government will do all the necessary educational reforms.
More than anything else, the need of the hour is a hands-on approach to learning thing practically. Mere theoretical learning will get you nowhere, a simple reason why thousands of engineering graduates with first class and distinction remain jobless in our country.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

More than anything else, the need of the hour is a hands-on approach to learning thing practically. Mere theoretical learning will get you nowhere, a simple reason why thousands of engineering graduates with first class and distinction remain jobless in our country.

Aptly said about the reason behind highly educated people remaining jobless, owing to lack of practical knowledge.
Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
More than anything else, the need of the hour is a hands-on approach to learning thing practically. Mere theoretical learning will get you nowhere, a simple reason why thousands of engineering graduates with first class and distinction remain jobless in our country.

Aptly said about the reason behind highly educated people remaining jobless, owing to lack of practical knowledge.

The focus even now, remains entirely on scoring marks and not the true calibre of the students! Portrayed so effectively in the movie 3 Idiots that things are changing positively at least for some, but it will still take more time for everyone to realise that marks is not the real thing!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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