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Shruti Vasudevan wrote:
[quote]The society shuns the woman...society is at fault..i really dont get why they do dis...but then they should also be more humane...but then just because the society becomes very accepting doesn't mean rape stops..does it? Even if the society is more kind and caring for the person who has been raped..that does not make rape an okay thing..does it?? and neither does it stop rape! Raising the punishment and the SURETY that the person will be punished are the only things that can dissuade people from not committing rape. I really love the ideas put forth by many that the criminals limbs must be chopped off or to mete them with Arab level punishments! These are the only ways i see.[/quote]

The idea of chopping off limbs will not be acceptable in India. Let us be pragmatic. It will be okay to give punishment in accordance with aw strictly, confiscate the resources used in crime, inclusive of vehicle, building, weapons and cancel passport, driving license and weapon license of the offenders.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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