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you are right Deepti, it creates fear among the citizens.This is a nice idea and the crime rate will decrease but there is a draw back. Some culprit are like they wont care their death.Just they want to enjoy doing bad things.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

But Deepti, we are here discussing about the punishment to be given to the culprit and why not thinking the ways to completely stop the crime? Capital punishment surely decrease the rate of crime, but the actual question is which step, if taken seriously, will surely affect the crime and the rapist's fear to do any further.
The culprit who did such thing, he should be torture in different ways, so that he should know the pain the women faced due that culprit.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

What is the reason for increasing crime rate in India? Whether the society is responsible for this or the education system is not up to standard level.

Not only rape, other big crimes also are going on in full swing. How to change the society for a crime less living.
Any crime can be forgotten easily but the rape cant be forgotten. It is a life long pain.So the culprit who done that should be punished lifelong with pains as the women suffer and then he should hang on the public, while hanging he should be burnt lively.Then the people in the society will be feard of such crimes and then they stop committing such crime.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Besides this, the moral values, which has been lost for quite some time and continuing decreasing, has to be increasing by changing the education system. Then we develop a new generation with good moral values, who respect women.
sarala wrote:
[quote]Any crime can be forgotten easily but the rape cant be forgotten. It is a life long pain.So the culprit who done that should be punished lifelong with pains as the women suffer and then he should hang on the public, while hanging he should be burnt lively.Then the people in the society will be afraid of such crimes and then they stop committing such crime.[/quote]

The lifelong pain and inability to forget is caused by social double standard. Giving savage punishment will not help. We need to finish double standard. A woman raped is as respectable as any other woman and she must forget the rape as she would forget any injury.

The punishment as at present is adequate. But in most cases, the culprits escape punishment. It is necessary to strictly enforce the law and ensure that no culprit escapes punishment. Secondly, the vehicle, weapon etc. used by the culprit should be confiscated and his driving licence canceled. These steps should be adequate.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It is the duty of the govt. to control the crime and also create some positive atmosphere in order to raise the morality of people.
See...I agree with the fact that the woman should not feel guilty and the woman should change her outlook...but is that really possible?..shes been raped...thats a totally different thing..her feelings are not that of guilt but of agony..the act of rape is a very violent one where men derive pleasure by proving themselves to be the superior sex. It is a distorted disgusting view..and the very proof of that is the rape of 2 month year old babies! How can the baby change its view? how can the society change the view? its a baby! and as a sure case it dies! No matter how much ever a woman takes care..this atrocity may happen and what makes her feel horrible is the "what ifs". what if i hadn't gotten out that early..what if i had gone with my friends...what if i hadn't taken that route..the list is endless.....such horrible monstrosity has been FORCED on the woman! and the woman is supposed to change her mentality?
The society shuns the woman...society is at fault..i really dont get why they do dis...but then they should also be more humane...but then just because the society becomes very accepting doesn't mean rape stops..does it? Even if the society is more kind and caring for the person who has been raped..that does not make rape an okay thing..does it?? and neither does it stop rape! Raising the punishment and the SURETY that the person will be punished are the only things that can dissuade people from not committing rape. I really love the ideas put forth by many that the criminals limbs must be chopped off or to mete them with Arab level punishments! These are the only ways i see.
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