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Politics sometimes makes no sense. That's why many people become violent to get the updates of political happenings. It has no head and tail.

Not having Head and tail is the best qualification to become a politician. People with Head and tail will not dare to walk on the road on which these creatures without head and tail walk. That's why politics will not make any sense not some times but every time.
Bail is the rule and jail is the exception. Bail has been granted according to law. He will be prosecuted and sentenced to jail or fined when convicted.

What do you mean convicted ? He has already been convicted and sentenced for 5 years of imprisonment...Can an ordinary citizen hope to get bail after two months after he is conviced on corruption charges ? What bail law are we talking about ? Is there a different law for politicians? let us not try and pretend as if everything is being done according to law, everyone knows about the way laws get manipulated in this country ...

He has filed an appeal before higher court and till the appeal is decided, bail is granted. This is legal process and it is no use commenting on this.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Bail is the rule and jail is the exception. Bail has been granted according to law. He will be prosecuted and sentenced to jail or fined when convicted.

What do you mean convicted ? He has already been convicted and sentenced for 5 years of imprisonment...Can an ordinary citizen hope to get bail after two months after he is conviced on corruption charges ? What bail law are we talking about ? Is there a different law for politicians? let us not try and pretend as if everything is being done according to law, everyone knows about the way laws get manipulated in this country ...

Laws are meant for the rich and powerful and the reason he has been let out on bail is too obvious to pretend otherwise!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Bail is the rule and jail is the exception. Bail has been granted according to law. He will be prosecuted and sentenced to jail or fined when convicted.

What do you mean convicted ? He has already been convicted and sentenced for 5 years of imprisonment...Can an ordinary citizen hope to get bail after two months after he is conviced on corruption charges ? What bail law are we talking about ? Is there a different law for politicians? let us not try and pretend as if everything is being done according to law, everyone knows about the way laws get manipulated in this country ...

Laws are meant for the rich and powerful and the reason he has been let out on bail is too obvious to pretend otherwise!

Exactly my feelings ! I am sure the courts and the governmental agencies will come up with very convincing reasons why he has been given bail, but the public can see through all that, only shows gibves more credence to the corrupt practices of central government

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
Bail is the rule and jail is the exception. Bail has been granted according to law. He will be prosecuted and sentenced to jail or fined when convicted.

What do you mean convicted ? He has already been convicted and sentenced for 5 years of imprisonment...Can an ordinary citizen hope to get bail after two months after he is conviced on corruption charges ? What bail law are we talking about ? Is there a different law for politicians? let us not try and pretend as if everything is being done according to law, everyone knows about the way laws get manipulated in this country ...

Laws are meant for the rich and powerful and the reason he has been let out on bail is too obvious to pretend otherwise!

All are equal before law. But law is managed by individuals only. So money and muscle can play role here. Lalu Yadav has been granted bail by supreme Court after considering all aspects. It is no use and also makes no sense to make conmment on why the apex Court granted bail. Bail is the rule and jail exception. Lalu Yadav will definitely have to suffer complete jail sentence if his appeal is rejected.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Bail is the rule and jail is the exception. Bail has been granted according to law. He will be prosecuted and sentenced to jail or fined when convicted.

What do you mean convicted ? He has already been convicted and sentenced for 5 years of imprisonment...Can an ordinary citizen hope to get bail after two months after he is conviced on corruption charges ? What bail law are we talking about ? Is there a different law for politicians? let us not try and pretend as if everything is being done according to law, everyone knows about the way laws get manipulated in this country ...

Laws are meant for the rich and powerful and the reason he has been let out on bail is too obvious to pretend otherwise!

Exactly my feelings ! I am sure the courts and the governmental agencies will come up with very convincing reasons why he has been given bail, but the public can see through all that, only shows gibves more credence to the corrupt practices of central government
New Lokpal can suo motto take congnisance of situation and act accordingly. :whistle: :whistle:

Bail is the rule and jail is the exception. Bail has been granted according to law. He will be prosecuted and sentenced to jail or fined when convicted.

What do you mean convicted ? He has already been convicted and sentenced for 5 years of imprisonment...Can an ordinary citizen hope to get bail after two months after he is conviced on corruption charges ? What bail law are we talking about ? Is there a different law for politicians? let us not try and pretend as if everything is being done according to law, everyone knows about the way laws get manipulated in this country ...

Laws are meant for the rich and powerful and the reason he has been let out on bail is too obvious to pretend otherwise!

Exactly my feelings ! I am sure the courts and the governmental agencies will come up with very convincing reasons why he has been given bail, but the public can see through all that, only shows gibves more credence to the corrupt practices of central government
New Lokpal can suo motto take congnisance of situation and act accordingly. :whistle: :whistle:

Lok Pal or no Lok Pal, corruption is not reduced. Actually what we need is electoral reforms. Presently, elections are costly. The elected members need to indulge in corruption to recover the money spent on elections with some surplus above the invested amount. They can indulge in corruption only with connivance of bureaucracy. There has to be state funding of elections so that any candidate must not spend any amount from his own sources.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Lalu as usual is his bomastic best after his release talking about the same worn out secular issue , these politicians think that wearing Taqiyah(caps) and giving and taking part in Iftar parties is being secular ...Sonia Gandhi apparently was one of the first to call him and congratulate him, need we say any more ? Congress probably thinks that bringing him out would work wonders for them !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Lalu as usual is his bomastic best after his release talking about the same worn out secular issue , these politicians think that wearing Taqiyah(caps) and giving and taking part in Iftar parties is being secular ...Sonia Gandhi apparently was one of the first to call him and congratulate him, need we say any more ? Congress probably thinks that bringing him out would work wonders for them !

Actually he is very cunning politician. His ideas are good enough for Congress to win the elections. Lets wait and watch their real intensions behind the scene.
Lalu as usual is his bomastic best after his release talking about the same worn out secular issue , these politicians think that wearing Taqiyah(caps) and giving and taking part in Iftar parties is being secular ...Sonia Gandhi apparently was one of the first to call him and congratulate him, need we say any more ? Congress probably thinks that bringing him out would work wonders for them !

Actually he is very cunning politician. His ideas are good enough for Congress to win the elections. Lets wait and watch their real intensions behind the scene.

Congress's days are numbered. Lalus and Rahuls cannot assure a win for congress. People are vexed with politicos like Lalu. Recent peoples mandate is a signal that sounds downfall of congress in no uncertain terms.
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