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It's a frequent occurrence in my place which is surrounded by jungles. Fortunately for us, it has neither become man eater nor an animal eater. Our forest officers and the local tribals trapped and caged most of the tigers. Out of them one has been sent to a sanctuary nearby and the others were left in their natural habitats. Similarly snakes were caught and left in the forests.

The entire problem has cropped because of the shrinking and vanishing habitats of our animals. In the process we have endangered their lives and living and that of us!!

In this particular case many politicians and other powerful land mafias have encroached on the forest land and built guest houses therby driving away wild life.The villages have sprung up just to cater to these big wigs and their guest houses where most of these villagers work.The wild animals are striking back with a vengence ..

Same here. Land grabbers and illegal encroachments by mafia, I can understand. But how the actions of Tourism departments of the state, in a bid to build Safaris are unhesitatingly destroying the natural habitats can be justified? In this respect people and governments are equally responsible.

This is happening in Shiradi ghats , part of Western Ghhats as well where the so called eco tourism is gaining popularity.they destroy large trees and build resorts and call it eco tourism when all they do it destroy the eco balance between wild life and vegetation...

For every forest related activity, Environment ministry has to give a Clarence . What this ministry is for? Why this ministry look the other way? In its bid to boost the Tourism, tourism ministries of the states are committing irrevocable damage to the environment.

Now the environmentalists have taken the issue very seriously protesting and the government has been considering taking steps to put an end to any building being built there except a small dam against the river that flows there ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

It's a frequent occurrence in my place which is surrounded by jungles. Fortunately for us, it has neither become man eater nor an animal eater. Our forest officers and the local tribals trapped and caged most of the tigers. Out of them one has been sent to a sanctuary nearby and the others were left in their natural habitats. Similarly snakes were caught and left in the forests.

The entire problem has cropped because of the shrinking and vanishing habitats of our animals. In the process we have endangered their lives and living and that of us!!

In this particular case many politicians and other powerful land mafias have encroached on the forest land and built guest houses therby driving away wild life.The villages have sprung up just to cater to these big wigs and their guest houses where most of these villagers work.The wild animals are striking back with a vengence ..

Same here. Land grabbers and illegal encroachments by mafia, I can understand. But how the actions of Tourism departments of the state, in a bid to build Safaris are unhesitatingly destroying the natural habitats can be justified? In this respect people and governments are equally responsible.

This is happening in Shiradi ghats , part of Western Ghhats as well where the so called eco tourism is gaining popularity.they destroy large trees and build resorts and call it eco tourism when all they do it destroy the eco balance between wild life and vegetation...

For every forest related activity, Environment ministry has to give a Clarence . What this ministry is for? Why this ministry look the other way? In its bid to boost the Tourism, tourism ministries of the states are committing irrevocable damage to the environment.

Now the environmentalists have taken the issue very seriously protesting and the government has been considering taking steps to put an end to any building being built there except a small dam against the river that flows there ...

Good to know that the government is considering steps to stop the rot. But these steps should be implemented effectively. They should not be "eyewash steps".
I don't blame the tiger really, it is the man';s fault that he has had to attack people. Man is the culprit here who first took away the tiger's habitat, then hid natural food, and now we are attacking the poor tiger itself! So grossly unfair! :sick:
tiger_082712-2.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I don't blame the tiger really, it is the man';s fault that he has had to attack people. Man is the culprit here who first took away the tiger's habitat, then hid natural food, and now we are attacking the poor tiger itself! So grossly unfair! :sick:

Totally agree with that ! Today there was also a news item about 50 race horses owned by a bigwig starving and been rescued by an NGO group...However, the good news is that the Tiger has thankfully been captured and sent to the Mysore Zoo where it will be treated ...I am glad that they have had the sense to capture it rather than shoot it ! No doubt 4 people were killed by the tiger and the least the government can do is compensate their families ..

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Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

I don't blame the tiger really, it is the man';s fault that he has had to attack people. Man is the culprit here who first took away the tiger's habitat, then hid natural food, and now we are attacking the poor tiger itself! So grossly unfair! :sick:

That's crux of the problem! Human greed has been making life so miserable for other beings of this planet. If this trend continues , rest assured, we would devour ourselves very soon!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
I don't blame the tiger really, it is the man';s fault that he has had to attack people. Man is the culprit here who first took away the tiger's habitat, then hid natural food, and now we are attacking the poor tiger itself! So grossly unfair! :sick:

That's crux of the problem! Human greed has been making life so miserable for other beings of this planet. If this trend continues , rest assured, we would devour ourselves very soon!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

We have already started that process, taking away the food grown by our farmers for our people is imported while people in our country starve is nothing short of devouring ourselves. And our honourable minister for agriculture pushes for production of wine from foodgrains! Again, similar to cannibalism of the worst kind! :blink:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I don't blame the tiger really, it is the man';s fault that he has had to attack people. Man is the culprit here who first took away the tiger's habitat, then hid natural food, and now we are attacking the poor tiger itself! So grossly unfair! :sick:

That's crux of the problem! Human greed has been making life so miserable for other beings of this planet. If this trend continues , rest assured, we would devour ourselves very soon!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

We have already started that process, taking away the food grown by our farmers for our people is imported while people in our country starve is nothing short of devouring ourselves. And our honourable minister for agriculture pushes for production of wine from foodgrains! Again, similar to cannibalism of the worst kind! :blink:

What about the plight of sugar cane growers in UP, the mill owners are not paying them for months and this is happening under a government of party which has dared to add 'Samajwadi' to its name. And Nero in Delhi is busy fiddling!!
I don't blame the tiger really, it is the man';s fault that he has had to attack people. Man is the culprit here who first took away the tiger's habitat, then hid natural food, and now we are attacking the poor tiger itself! So grossly unfair! :sick:

That's crux of the problem! Human greed has been making life so miserable for other beings of this planet. If this trend continues , rest assured, we would devour ourselves very soon!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

We have already started that process, taking away the food grown by our farmers for our people is imported while people in our country starve is nothing short of devouring ourselves. And our honourable minister for agriculture pushes for production of wine from foodgrains! Again, similar to cannibalism of the worst kind! :blink:

What about the plight of sugar cane growers in UP, the mill owners are not paying them for months and this is happening under a government of party which has dared to add 'Samajwadi' to its name. And Nero in Delhi is busy fiddling!!

Yes, that too, even in Maharashtra the sugarcane growers have been resorting massive and violent demonstrations for last so many days. Sugarcane factories (owned by politicians of course) are not paying fair prices to the farmers claiming that the factories are going bankrupt and now they are going to New Delhi to ask for a massive relief package despite the fact that the owners have stinking amounts of money. UP, Maharashtra, Bihar...everywhere it is the same old story! :sick:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I would say that all tigers are not man eater. They kill or injure humans badly. This tiger might be dangerous enough to make the government issue shoot at sight order.

True. But we should think why a wild animal like Tiger becomes a man eater? Tigers are by nature are not man eaters. They live by killing the other animals like deers and wild buffaloes. available in its habitat. Now,if the man destroys its habitat for building projects and hotels, where the poor tiger will go for its food ? Entering of a tiger in to the plains in search of its food is forcing it to become a man eater.
What I hate is the media reports about the capture where they speak as if a criminal has been ccaught ! They should use different terminologies when it comes to a wild animal, not spaek about it in those terms...The most dreaded man eater tiger finally caught !!~!
as if man eating is its profession...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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