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Rape is a heinous crime no doubt. Law acts in its own way. Apart from legal remedy, there is need for preventive measures and precautions. Also when you are in in the grip of rapists whom you cannot overpower, you need either to surrender before them for the time being or use some tactical move. Apparently, Sant Asharam was asking the girls to be tactful in such events. Everyone has a view with which we may agree or disagree. we may disagree with what sant asha Ram said but his motive would not be bad.

Yes true or false possible or impossible the saint said something that he thought would have helped the girl. In the heat of the moment we hit the roof. I too had the same feeling when i heard about this news. I too was in a rage and said that the spiritual guru was insane.

It is true that people do say things which are not meant to hurt or offend anyone but what he said was totally insensitive and saying it at the time when she has just died a horribly agonizing death and with her family in such shock, they are all already reeling from the unwanted publicity and attention by the media and the whole country, imagine how much pain would have been caused to them because of what the great?? Asaram Bapu said! That is totally irrational, insensitive and cruel!

Religion and religious leaders have always been insensitive to peoples needs, they only think about themselves and their so called greatness.The kind of havoc religion and godmen have caused is unbelievable....This man is no different !

It is also to come in public figure. Who knows bapu before this comment?

No Ram, this is not to gain fame, because he is already very well known and also notorious in the whole country, but this is more a case of gaining media coverage on a very sensitive current social issue! I actually blame media for this, why do they have to give coverage at all to his statement? :blink:

But am hearing about this notorious fellow for the first time :silly: :laugh: :laugh:

Media has a vital role here and I think this should not be get any milage and should not publish this.
Asaram Bapu holds victim responsible for Delhi gang rape

what does it mean? :blink:
even brothers and fathers are not leaving girls nowadays. he is saying, she should have begged for her honour and life :angry: :angry: . how could those listeners keep quiet to his speech? :evil: :evil: :evil:
It clearly indicates that women should live in the mercy of men. Let those men beg for their lives now. :angry:

What you say is understandable. But there is situation when you are in a weaker position. Being brave in these circumstances is nothing but self defeating and suicidal. One must act according to circumstances. Let me refer to Mohmd Gauri surrender before Prithvi Raj Chauhan many times as he would not fight a suicidal battle. But ultimately he won. This is only a question of being tactful according to circumstances. Let me point out that when you are at gun point, you surrender your cash to robbers and do not indulge in suicidal fight or rebuking them. Similar is the case when one faces rape. Chastity or 'honor' as this is wrongly called is not more important than physical safety and life. Women suffer more from the false feeling of so called 'honor' that is irrationally linked to chastity. They suffer much less from rape as such.

sir, but after reading the news in net and newspaper, I didn't feel that he said in that manner. It appeared as if she is responsible for it. I don't think even her begging would have saved her from those cruel animals :evil:
In some situations it may be a feasible solution. No one of us have witnessed that situation, even the saint Baba. Then how can he say 100% that the girl has not begged for her honour or life. Am sure, that poor girl might have cried and begged before those cruel animals. yet they tore her to pieces. Lion or tiger never see his prey's tears :huh:

The girl was definitely not guilty. The guilty are those who raped her. But we cannot wish away such elements. So, caution or precaution is needed. As regards Saint Asha Ram, everyone has own views and way of expression. We need not readt or bother too much.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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