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Let's hope this case would make them think and force to do some thing to help the cause of such victims.Enough is enough.

Of course, things started moving now. But not enough. Lot to be done.

But the thing is they need to do it at the earliest otherwise there would lot more Daminis who would get killed by these animals. :evil:

Sure, that's understood. An earlier decision may save some more lives. But as these things were going on some more rape cases were reported from different parts of the country
Let's hope this case would make them think and force to do some thing to help the cause of such victims.Enough is enough.

Of course, things started moving now. But not enough. Lot to be done.

But the thing is they need to do it at the earliest otherwise there would lot more Daminis who would get killed by these animals. :evil:

Sure, that's understood. An earlier decision may save some more lives. But as these things were going on some more rape cases were reported from different parts of the country

Yes some more rape cases were reported. Some negligence of police is also there in not dealing with the case when the victim reports it. :angry:
After this case there have been more than a dozen rape cases reported all over the country, so what message do we get from that? That the people of this country are either beyond change , and the government doesn't care one way or the other...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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