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The incident has already created lot of pain in every Indian soul. :( There was little hope the girl will survive but now its over.
This is one of the most shameful incidents for Indians in general. I Pray to god to give wisdom to government and do some thing immediately.

Wisdom to government? A distant dream
This is sad after fighting hard with life finally she succumbed. :( May ber soul rest in peace. Culprits should be punished soon. :evil:
This is one of the most shameful incidents for Indians in general. I Pray to god to give wisdom to government and do some thing immediately.

Wisdom to government? A distant dream

Dreams come true some times. Who knows??? You never know. I have seen boulders flying in the air when it storms .

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Her death is indeed shocking. The serious injuries would make her life miserable even if she lived. Hearty condolence to her family. Now the culprits will definitely get death sentence that the entire nation wants.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Her death is indeed shocking. The serious injuries would make her life miserable even if she lived. Hearty condolence to her family. Now the culprits will definitely get death sentence that the entire nation wants.

Yes even she would have survived her life would have been miserable :blink: but I feel the culprits must feel the same pain she did before hanging them. :evil: I think just a death penality would be too less than the pain and humiliation the girl felt after the incident. The main culprit RAM Singh should at least be given rigorous punishment in front of public which may create sort of terror in minds of people so that they may think of the punishment they may be given if they do so. :blink:
Her death is indeed shocking. The serious injuries would make her life miserable even if she lived. Hearty condolence to her family. Now the culprits will definitely get death sentence that the entire nation wants.

Yes even she would have survived her life would have been miserable :blink: but I feel the culprits must feel the same pain she did before hanging them. :evil: I think just a death penalty would be too less than the pain and humiliation the girl felt after the incident. The main culprit RAM Singh should at least be given rigorous punishment in front of public which may create sort of terror in minds of people so that they may think of the punishment they may be given if they do so. :blink:

I share your sentiments. But the punishment can be according to law only. The culprits will still not be hanged immediately. First prosecution, then death sentence by court followed by its confirmation and by high court further followed by appeal to supreme court and then mercy petition to President, which will, of course, be rejected after which they will be hanged till death. Meanwhile they will constantly be in trauma of death.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: Sanjeev Gupta
Her death is indeed shocking. The serious injuries would make her life miserable even if she lived. Hearty condolence to her family. Now the culprits will definitely get death sentence that the entire nation wants.

Yes even she would have survived her life would have been miserable :blink: but I feel the culprits must feel the same pain she did before hanging them. :evil: I think just a death penalty would be too less than the pain and humiliation the girl felt after the incident. The main culprit RAM Singh should at least be given rigorous punishment in front of public which may create sort of terror in minds of people so that they may think of the punishment they may be given if they do so. :blink:

I share your sentiments. But the punishment can be according to law only. The culprits will still not be hanged immediately. First prosecution, then death sentence by court followed by its confirmation and by high court further followed by appeal to supreme court and then mercy petition to President, which will, of course, be rejected after which they will be hanged till death. Meanwhile they will constantly be in trauma of death.

This is really bad that our system takes so much time to punish a culprit even knowing it that they have done crime. :evil:

They should make something new law for the rapists at least. :blink:
Her death is indeed shocking. The serious injuries would make her life miserable even if she lived. Hearty condolence to her family. Now the culprits will definitely get death sentence that the entire nation wants.

Yes even she would have survived her life would have been miserable :blink: but I feel the culprits must feel the same pain she did before hanging them. :evil: I think just a death penalty would be too less than the pain and humiliation the girl felt after the incident. The main culprit RAM Singh should at least be given rigorous punishment in front of public which may create sort of terror in minds of people so that they may think of the punishment they may be given if they do so. :blink:

I share your sentiments. But the punishment can be according to law only. The culprits will still not be hanged immediately. First prosecution, then death sentence by court followed by its confirmation and by high court further followed by appeal to supreme court and then mercy petition to President, which will, of course, be rejected after which they will be hanged till death. Meanwhile they will constantly be in trauma of death.

This is really bad that our system takes so much time to punish a culprit even knowing it that they have done crime. :evil:

They should make something new law for the rapists at least. :blink:

The entire system needs overhauling. Most of the acts were made in the British regime. They are obsolete.
May her soul rest in peace and we pray that her fight doesn't goes in vain. She was indeed a brave heart.

Live in the present :)
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