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No we are here discussing about conditions of courts and the way they handle cases and criminals. The time taken to solve the case is main problem. By the time a case reaches to hearing stage almost all the proofs are tempered with or witness turn hostile. Case dismissed.

Sunil, that's unfair ! It does not happen always at least not in every day cases.But when heavy weights are involved I am sure that there is a lot of tampering done..

I wish you knew the real ways of courts, criminals and the ways of lawyers.

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One of the worsts that could be imagined! Corruption-ridden,slothful and archaic! It has simply failed to rise up to the challenges of modern times! Only the other day the CBI judge who granted bail to Reddy brothers was arrested for accepting 2 crore as quid pro quo!
It is nice that you had happy experience. Many courts function well. But there is huge backlog of cases in most courts. The High courts are also saddled with backlog of many years. There is too much litigation and courts are not capable of managing so many cases swiftly.

The remedy is to convince people especially rural to settle their cases out of court and not litigate at slightest provocation. Also village panchayats should be empowered to decide most cases.

An effective and fair village panchayat can do a lot to help the society since they are well versed with the local customs and traditions , also are able to make compromises as and when necessary.But, things are improving and according to my lawyer who says that the judges are very particular about attendance and are strict about continuity of the cases so that they get over quickly given the huge backlog...

Of course, there is improvement. The recent one is a limit on adjournments. The advocates have a tendency to delay justice by asking for adjournments very frequently. CESTAST New Delhi decided that they will not be allowed more than three adjournments in any case.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

One of the worst that could be imagined! Corruption-ridden,slothful and archaic! It has simply failed to rise up to the challenges of modern times! Only the other day the CBI judge who granted bail to Reddy brothers was arrested for accepting 2 crore as quid pro quo!

What a shame ! there is a saying which goes something like " the fence eating the grass...When the system is so bad , one cannot really expect much from the legal fraternity since they too are part of the degenerate society.It is a like society getting like rulers and a like system...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

One of the worst that could be imagined! Corruption-ridden,slothful and archaic! It has simply failed to rise up to the challenges of modern times! Only the other day the CBI judge who granted bail to Reddy brothers was arrested for accepting 2 crore as quid pro quo!

What a shame ! there is a saying which goes something like " the fence eating the grass...When the system is so bad , one cannot really expect much from the legal fraternity since they too are part of the degenerate society.It is a like society getting like rulers and a like system...

Painfully yes! That's exactly the scenario! And you are right a part of the rotten system!!
One of the worst that could be imagined! Corruption-ridden,slothful and archaic! It has simply failed to rise up to the challenges of modern times! Only the other day the CBI judge who granted bail to Reddy brothers was arrested for accepting 2 crore as quid pro quo!

What a shame ! there is a saying which goes something like " the fence eating the grass...When the system is so bad , one cannot really expect much from the legal fraternity since they too are part of the degenerate society.It is a like society getting like rulers and a like system...

Painfully yes! That's exactly the scenario! And you are right a part of the rotten system!!

The rotten system eats into everything around us . Lawyers and Police are the most effected since they come directly in contact with the system at close quarters..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

One of the worst that could be imagined! Corruption-ridden,slothful and archaic! It has simply failed to rise up to the challenges of modern times! Only the other day the CBI judge who granted bail to Reddy brothers was arrested for accepting 2 crore as quid pro quo!

What a shame ! there is a saying which goes something like " the fence eating the grass...When the system is so bad , one cannot really expect much from the legal fraternity since they too are part of the degenerate society.It is a like society getting like rulers and a like system...

Painfully yes! That's exactly the scenario! And you are right a part of the rotten system!!

The rotten system eats into everything around us . Lawyers and Police are the most effected since they come directly in contact with the system at close quarters..

It's mainly because of malgovernance and our leaders thought since that by not governing people or governing the wrong way they can serve their interests best!!
This is not at all effective in our country because of the politicians and bureaucrats won't let it happen in their own interests.

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This is not at all effective in our country because of the politicians and bureaucrats won't let it happen in their own interests.

They of course try to manipulate everything to their advantage , legal system included.However, in ordinary cases this cannot hamper justice since there is no political involvement there..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

The rules which are made in our legal system is good enough,but if we follow it.We are not following even half of it and that makes our legal system less effective.

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