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The role of any government,be it Central or Sate is to provide the administrative infrastructure and mechanism. Even on this score these governments are not discharging the roles,looking at the number of vacant posts of judges and terrible conditions of some of the court buildings!Coming to the real issue of undertaking suitable judicial reforms,we don't much of action.If the goal of justice has to be at all achieved the necessary dynamism and vision have to be imparted. There are shameful cases of under trial prisoners cooling their heels spending an entire lifetime for justice!!
The role of any government,be it Central or Sate is to provide the administrative infrastructure and mechanism. Even on this score these governments are not discharging the roles,looking at the number of vacant posts of judges and terrible conditions of some of the court buildings!Coming to the real issue of undertaking suitable judicial reforms,we don't much of action.If the goal of justice has to be at all achieved the necessary dynamism and vision have to be imparted. There are shameful cases of under trial prisoners cooling their heels spending an entire lifetime for justice!!

The infrastructure is something that definitely needs to be looked into, since here in Mangalore the buildings are so old that when it rains heavily like now, the tiled roofs leak and they have to postpone the proceedings, but they carry on ..I am sure it will be the same in other cities as well !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Government plans and execution are very poor. They just try to fool us.

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Infra structure is a different matter altogether, but there has been a lot of change in the way the legal fraternity is thinking about family related matters .The 2006 judgment passed by the Supreme court regarding live in relationships is path breaking and also paves the way for reforms in the legal system..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Our legal system is very bad as compare to other countries...If a person has some cases in a court it must take about 20-25 years to solve this.........In many cases person who start a case is no more and there sons and other relative see such a case..............
Our legal system is very bad as compare to other countries...If a person has some cases in a court it must take about 20-25 years to solve this.........In many cases person who start a case is no more and there sons and other relative see such a case..............

Of course there is no comparison to Western countries where things are very efficient.This is true of all developing countries since all of them have the same kind of problems ..However, things are improving a lot in the past 4-5 years and one can see that cases are being solved at a much faster pace these days unlike before when, as you pointed out civil cases took 2 or 3 decades to be solved !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

This system is not working at par in every part of our country, Maybe some states are better while it comes to speedy disposal most are too far behind.

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I feel compared to legal system , illegal system is working effective with corruption support in our country

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I liked your response sarala. Had there been a like button here I would have pressed it twice.

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A few points to bear in mind when anyone is planning to go in for a litigation..
First and foremost one should file a court case only after you have exhausted all other options , including compromise even if it means you have to lose a little...
Another important thing is to make sure that you have considered everything that involves a court proceeding- time ,money,adjournments and the stress that will build up..
Only when one is ready to face all these things should one go in for a litigation, but, at times it becomes necessary to do so since you have no other option left !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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