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Most of the people agree with the view that sensitive issues are always thrown back. Anna is only person who have started fighting against corruption and even though it is aganist constitution there is no wrong.
The media reports say that Anna ji's health is detriorating. If he continues fasting for 2-3 days, he would need immediate medical treatment.
It is not easy to fight corruption with law only. In fact, most of the people including those shouting slogans and chanting patriotic slogans in Team anna are also corrupt.

Anna hazare is annoyed with his supporter who come drunk to Ram Lila ground and behave rowdy. We wonder whether he expects that his brainwashed supporters are really so honest and pious. See the link:

Corruption is not identifiable to any group or community. Most of people are corrupt and they need self improvement. Lok Pal Bill is nothing but a mechanism for complaints. If bribe giver and taker both are satisfied, who will complain and why- Lok pal or no Lok pal, strong or weak.

However, strong law is necessary. This is job of government and parliament. Let them do their job.

Also, anna group is not the sole and only representative of civil society. Already, another social activist Aruna Roy has sent her draft Lok Pal Bill. Government may get recommendations and views from others also. Regarding differences between anna and other social activists, see the link:

Moreover, Government is willing for meaningful dialogue. Most of the demands of anna team are acceptable. Anna team cannot dictate their terms to entire nation.

For constitutional propriety and best interests of India, Team anna should stop blackmailing the nation, government, people at large and the civil society as a whole which is much wider and not so vast as would appear from the mobs. Mobocracy is not democracy.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Fight against corruption is good.But to get thing easy bribing in next day is not advisable.

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I am happy to see you participating against corruption.
ya i have watched it in Tv and newspaper that rasmlila ground was full of crowd of Anna's supporters.
yes ramlila ground was jam packed on sunday and monday but today as its a working day, the crowd was a little less...but enthusiasm even more1
Anna team will ever live in fools paradise. Congress has well stated that parliament alone can make law. Pressure tactics of team ana are worse than Naxalites and are sure to boomerang.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It is really a dream to see the country lack of corruption. When will it be happened?
This country will never win its fight against corruption, the one who starts it is charged with false accusation and harassed by every one. Just look at the people who are doing it are facing at so many fronts. Corrupt people have a group to back them up.

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