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Yes Gulshan ji you are correct but the poor people will loose many things due to this bribe.

The poorest are real losers of corruption. So, even the benefits given to them by government do not reach them.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes there are many honors done by the politicians due to this they are not reaching people.

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Yes there are many honors done by the politicians due to this they are not reaching people.

What is 'honors done by the politicians'.

In fact, the poor cannot complete the procedure for getting benefit from government. so middlemen and clerks take a share and only small portion reaches poor. This is about many schemes in U.P.

It is better to remove illiteracy, educate people and employ them. If you tackle poverty and illiteracy, corruption will be tackled. Also, we should concentrate more on adulteration in food and drugs, that harms health of all.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The government is giving fund like a big ice block it is touching all politicians and others and reaching the people like a small ice which is having no use.

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The government is giving fund like a big ice block it is touching all politicians and others and reaching the people like a small ice which is having no use.

The government is tackling the poverty problem like charity organization. In this process, even the issue of social reform is bypassed. In U.P. the government is donation some money on marriage of scheduled caste girls. Thus, dowry system is promoted. The stress should not be on donating but this should be on raising skill and providing gainful employment. A Chinese proverb goes- If you feed a person once, his hunger will be satisfied only once; if you train him in fishing, he will be satisfied for ever. Corruption is not the only issue. Correct understanding of issue and properly tackling is more important.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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