Went to ramlila maidan.....throat still aching,chanted those slogan aloud....scenes were truly patriotic.. please do your bit to support fight against corruption!!
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Nice to see you participating in the fight.I cannt do anything but just wishing that this devil should be destroyed completely.
And so it shall be rajani...so it shall be!!
yes this time when all the indian come with the anna and support him from fighting against corruption.
Well done, Dev. My hearty appreciation to you. May i know,who else have participated in the protest from boddunan??
thank you nagalakshmi..i also posted an article about anna hazare..but its not yet posted on the site :(
I wish your article is reviewed soon and published here. :) :)
yes we should fight against corruption always.But one who does not obey our constitutions I can not support him.Problems can be solved through talking.

talking huh..do you know that the jan lok pal was first proposed in 1972..and since then there has just been talking and no solution..but no more
I agree with Dev's views. Whoever comes to power, they throw all sensitive issues in back burner. So, how long we should wait for getting a solution?
I agree with Dev's views
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